Sentences with phrase «veteran member»

The truly veteran members of the cast are a genuine plus.
Not only are new people fueled by their resolutions, veteran members get more.
We offer free consultations and reasonable rates, including discounts for active and veteran members of the military.
- Balance New York, a PAC run by veteran members of the Senate Republican Campaign Committee and funded by the Washington - based Republican State Leadership Committee, which has spent $ 1.25 million.
«The ratio of new people [a 40 percent turnover in the Assembly in the last decade] getting jammed up is about the same as veteran members,» Cahill observed «We're not attracting the best and the brightest across the state and we need to.»
The level of Glenwood's access to politicians and policymaking came as a shock to even veteran members of the tenant movement, including Legal Aid Society attorney Judith Goldiner, who says it helped explain why Silver had turned his back on pro-tenant causes, culminating in the Rent Act of 2011, which saw the renewal of 421a and did not bring an end to vacancy decontrol as they had hoped.
Released on PC and Xbox One last year to critical acclaim, including numerous awards such as Game Informer's «Best Game Soundtracks of 2016» and GameRant's «Best 2016 Video Games You Didn't Play,» The Flame in the Flood was created by The Molasses Flood, a team of AAA refugees, with veterans members hailing from the likes of Irrational, Harmonix and Bungie.
The program combines intensive in - person learning experiences with ongoing coaching and mentorship from veteran members of Deans for Impact.
By late 2015, the numbers were so big that several veteran members didn't need the job security anymore, making them more open to other opportunities, according to people familiar with the situation.
Suddenly Maye was the lone veteran member in a UNC frontcourt that would also be relying on a trio of three - star freshmen centers.
Heastie said «stability» helped his conference enormously this past session, and he relied heavily on the experience of veteran members like Assemblyman Dick Gottfried (Health Committee chair), Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan (Education Committee chair) and Assemblywoman Deborah Glick (Higher Ed Committee chair)-- just to name a few.
Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara, along with more than 20 other more recently elected Democrats, are credited with helping push Speaker Silver out of his leadership post, when long time veteran members initially resisted.
Heastie, considered one of the early front - runners for the speakership, is among five veteran members vying to succeed Silver, who was arrested last week on federal corruption charges.
,» the Coens assembled a cast that mixes veteran members of the brothers repertoire like George Clooney («O Brother Where Art Thou,» «Intolerable Cruelty» «Burn After Reading») and Josh Brolin («No Country For Old Men») with newcomers including Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill and Alden Ehrenreich.
Military Appreciation Bonus Cash available for active, retired and veteran members within 2 years of separation of an eligible military branch.
Supporting Veterans Members of the PLC also took special interest this past year, to pay greater attention to the important issue surrounding veterans — both by advocating for the pairing of service dogs with veterans and supporting our veteran canines.
With next - gen just around the corner, Microsoft has been handing out gifts for veteran members.
Veteran members at the studio have since left the company, forming Playtonic Games and turning to Kickstarter to fund development of their very first game.
The National Association of Realtors ® and its 20,000 veteran members honor the brave men and women who have worn the uniform of our U.S. military by providing housing resources and information to active duty and retired military service members.
Made by veteran members of the Bitcoin community, this beginner's course covers all the basics of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.
Veteran members of LWV, some of whom have been following these events since Tom Dewey was governor, have heard much of it before.
Young says new servers will shadow a veteran member of the wait staff for about a week.
New members are welcome to attend the First Timers Reception, which is held during IDFA's annual Dairy Forum and attended by veteran members.
Paterson lamented that he had inherited a mess brought on by the Legislature's routine «spending like drunken sailors» — a binge in which he admitted he had taken part as a veteran member of the Senate.
Next week's Democratic primary will be pitting two of southeast Queens» veteran members of the state Legislature against two challengers hoping to make their mark on the borough's political scene.
A veteran member of Mr. de Blasio's inner circle, Ms. Wolfe is the mayor's political fixer and his liaison to the groups outside City Hall with which he must work — the governor's office, unions, the City Council and just about everyone in Albany.
At the polls on November 7, Saugerties voters will choose between two veteran members of the town board for town supervisor, James Bruno and Fred Costello, who often ride to board meetings together.
Also on Long Island, another veteran member of the GOP conference, Sen. Carl Marcellino, is suddenly facing a challenge from Sea Cliff Mayor Bruce Kennedy, who has been a registered Republican for his entire adult life, but just recently received the Nassau County Democratic Committee's nomination to run and will be switching parties.
Three veteran members of the NYC Council's Black, Latino and Asian Caucus — Annabel Palma, Fernando Cabrera and Inez Dickens — said they were resigning from the group, citing ongoing conflict over the caucus» voting process for its budget priorities in the upcoming fiscal year.
The Republicans initially cited «Obamacare» in the wake of the same - sex marriage bill passage as the reason why they wouldn't follow the Assembly's lead last summer and pass the health care exhange bill, even though one of their veteran members, Senate Health Committee Chairman Kemp Hannon, had been involved in drafting the measure and supported it.
It's possible the Assembly Democrats will elect a caretaker speaker to get them through this session — someone like Codes Committee Chairman Joe Lentol, of Brooklyn, or Ways and Means Committee Chairman Denny Farrell Jr., of Manhattan — both veteran members of the chamber (and close Silver allies).
Once Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie fills the post with a veteran member, that will set off a shuffle of committee chairs as legislators look to gain more prestige, power, and money by moving up in the committee system.
The Democrat argued that «many of the veteran members were offended by their approach.
Illinois Democrat trounces Representative Judy Biggert, veteran member of the House science committee
The best way to increase your chances is zealous research about the department you're applying to, suggests an essay at Inside Higher Ed by William Helmreich at City College of the City University of New York, who is a veteran member of many hiring committees.
Whether you are a veteran member of the Kai Order, or a new member of the pack, Joe Deveràcents à cents â $ šÂ ¬ à cents â $ žÂ cents s Lone Wolf will engage you with an epic story, compelling combat, deep character customization and great replayability!
A veteran member of Chicago's experimental Red Orchid theatrical troupe, Shannon specialized in small, multidimensional portrayals that added to the overall effectiveness of each project — per his contributions to Vanilla Sky (2001), 8 Mile (2002), and Bad Boys II (2003).
It happened this weekend: The BOSTON SOCIETY OF FILM CRITICS (of which I am a veteran member) met for the 37th time and voted Paul Thomas Anderson's PHANTOM THREAD (which a significant number of critics have not yet seen) starring Daniel Day - Lewis in his ostensible farewell performance as a fictional couturier, the BEST FILM of the year.
The review board would love to be able to look at how these charter organizations improve over time, but we are limited and frustrated by the availability of data provided by the states, said Nelson Smith, senior advisor to the National Association for Charter School Authorizers and a veteran member of the 2017 Broad Prize review board.
Sauda Baraka, a member of the Working Families Party and veteran member of a coalition that fought to keep the city school board an elected one, will become...
Sauda Efia Baraka, 56, a member of the Working Families Party and veteran member of a coalition that fought to keep the city school board an elected one, will become the next chairman of that board.
Pets for Patriots, a 501 (c)(3) organization that connects at - risk shelter pets with service and veteran members of the United States military, came to our attention because of our recent affiliation with SurfPet, a company that sells products for dog lovers.
Pets for Patriots, a 501 (c)(3) organization that connects at - risk shelter pets with service and veteran members of the United States... Read More
She was the «taint team leader,» a veteran member of the Civil Rights division tapped to ensure the rights of a police officer — in this case, Bowen — were not violated during the course of the federal investigation.
You don't have to worry about the reliability of the eBay seller either, as BuySpry is a veteran member of the popular online auction and shopping website with a 98.3 percent positive feedback.
So much so that one of coding team's veteran members even resigned from his post amidst concern about the process and the resulting backlash.
He is a veteran member of Allan N. Schore's study group.
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