Sentences with phrase «veterinarian about fixing him»

Not exact matches

Now keep in mind that these books are often from very unique genres with topics like exotic encounters with ghosts or how to embroider mobile phone cases, and what the sender and presumed author never quite gets is that their book, their pride and joy, might not be something that the guy who fixed the roof lies awake at night salivating about in eager anticipation of its release let alone the veterinarian and the dentist.
It looks as if the person sending the email has been collecting email addresses for years in anticipation of this huge event (their book launch) and they've copied in every single person in their contact list including their veterinarian, dentist and the guy who emailed a quote about fixing their roof.
OAA President Jamee Suarez said, «The noteworthy thing about FIX 5000 is that we are partnered with veterinarians to use existing clinics.
Talk to your veterinarian about how getting puppies fixed early affects various medical conditions.
They muck cages, change litter, tackle a mountain of laundry, answer phones, tally statistics, write grants, take photographs, write up animal stories, build kitty trees, fix the roof, schlep «stuff», paint the building, plan and produce fundraisers, walk in parades, work at events to promote the Shelter, make signs, decorate and clean our facility, take animals to and from the veterinarian, take complaints about animal abuse, make visits to talk with people about humane animal care, and pretty much anything else we need to keep this operation running.
As always, your veterinarian will be the best place to consult about this, but research shows that typically sensitive stomach in dogs is caused by a set of specific ingredients (or even one single ingredient), and can be fixed by avoiding it.
Cat enthusiasts can celebrate Feline Fix by Five month by going to the Feline Fix by Five web site for more information to share with others, entering their cat in the Feline Fix by Five Facebook Photo Contest, and talking to their veterinarian about sterilization by five months.
Additionally, ask your veterinarian what he or she is recommending and have a discussion about why it's best to «Fix by Five» months.
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