Sentences with phrase «via epigenetic mechanisms»

There is no doubt that some animals respond to the environment via epigenetic mechanisms, he says, but these mechanisms have evolved via genetic changes.
For example, genes involved in suppressing tumor formation are turned off via epigenetic mechanisms, and genes involved in rapid growth and replication are turned on too high.
David Shuker at the University of St Andrews, UK, is unconvinced by this or any of the other proposed examples of evolution via epigenetic mechanisms.

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The researchers propose that this epigenetic mechanism allowed the cavefish to shed its eyes faster than if the change had happened via DNA mutations in eye genes.
That is a controversial suggestion, and one that will be music to the ears of those who think that evolution can occur via heritable epigenetic mechanisms, and that standard evolutionary theory needs to be broadened to include such processes.
Through epigenetics, gene expression can be turned on and off like a light switch via several mechanisms.
In addition, they demonstrate that the repression mechanism of Chrono is under epigenetic control and links, via a glucocorticoid receptor, to metabolic pathways triggered by behavioral stress.
In his view, new characteristics are generated and passed on via epigenetics, subject to the same mechanisms of evolution as those with a purely genetic origin.
2Research has proven these curcuminoids exert powerful health - promoting effects via 160 mechanisms and pathways in the body such as antioxidant, neuroprotective, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, epigenetic, and adaptogenic properties.
Fathers may have heritable physiological impacts on their children via genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that begin to emerge shortly after conception12 and which may influence maternal investment during pregnancy.13 Older fathers tend to transmit more mutations to their offspring, 14 while early childhood paternal stressors predict children's adolescent gene methylation patterns (a type of chemical modification of DNA).15
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