Sentences with phrase «via feces»

Eventually, these organisms release oocysts that can leave the body via the feces, where they can infect new hosts.
It can exit the host via the feces, in which it is excreted in a protective capsule called a cyst.
It is spread via feces from an infected dog.
While other common parasitic worms are transferred via feces, heartworms can not be passed directly from one host to another.
As the paper above, and numerous others found on our public health page make clear, T. Gondii is shed into the soil via the feces by the millions every time a cat toilets.
Fiber and fiber fermentation in the dog or cat's intestine may allow more ammonia to leave as ammonium (salts) via the feces.
The intestinal form is passed with the oral contact via feces, infected soil or other fomites (contagious objects or substances that may carry the virus).
Activated charcoal adsorbs a chemical or toxicant and facilitates its excretion via the feces.
In addition, barley's dietary fiber is high in beta glucan, which helps to lower cholesterol by binding to bile acids and removing them from the body via the feces.
«The organs and systems involved in the elimination of toxins from the body include the kidneys via urine, the intestines via feces, the skin via sweat and the lungs via exhalation and expectoration.
Second, excess copper is excreted into the bile and removed from the body via the feces, but many people have sluggish bile flow and / or constipation, causing copper to accumulate in the liver.
Parasites are typically transmitted via feces - contaminated soil, food, or water, and in the handling of animals.
Getting rid of cholesterol happens primarily by liver metabolism and via feces.
The toxic substances essentially become captive within the porous, sieve - like architecture of ZeoBind and are then shuttled out of the body via the feces or urine.
A key example is the Toxoplasa gondii parasite that travels from domestic cats, via their feces, into natural irrigation and waste disposal systems and on to marine animals such as sea otters and dolphins.
All organisms constantly shed DNA into the environment, such as via feces or skin particles.
Respectively, these symptoms spread the microbe into our exhaled breath, into the local water supply via our feces, and onto the skin of those who touch us, explaining why a microbe might want to induce unpleasant symptoms in its victims.
Through various experiments trying to isolate the problem, they discovered that adult mice passed Sutterella bacteria to each other via their feces and that mother mice spread the Sutterella directly to their offspring soon after birth, passing on this «trait» of low IgA.
How does the disease spread via feces?

Not exact matches

«33 % [of gays surveyed] ingested feces via anal / oral contact» - Paul Cameron quoted at
When infected people relieve themselves, the worms» eggs can spread into streams or ponds via their urine and feces.
The chelating substance / medication attaches to toxic metal ions in the body, forming a chemical compound which is excreted from the body via urine, feces, and perspiration.
Of course, the human body has many natural detox pathways via the liver, urine, sweat and feces.
Cats in multiple cat environments are at much higher risk for FCoV infection than solo cats because they are more likely to be exposed to the feces of infected cats, either via shared litters or by bits of feces on shoes, clothing or objects.
Infectious diseases can only spread from cats to humans via direct contact with either the cat or its feces, and feral cats typically avoid humans.
Whipworms are transmitted via feco - oral contact, so if you are cleaning the litter boxes right after they have bowel movements, and they don't have contact with each other's feces, they are at low risk of contracting the parasite.
This is the parasite spread via cat feces.
False Statement: «Most Cases of Toxoplasmosis Stem from Undercooked Food, Not Cats — Catch and kill advocates sometimes argue for killing feral cats because they can transmit toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease that spreads via Toxoplasma oocysts shed in the feces of an infected animal.»
Confirmation of the parvo virus infection can also be done via anti-body detection and by noting the presence of virus particles in the feces; which can be done with techniques such as immunofluoresence and electron microscopy.
In addition, brucellosis is on occasion transmissible to humans via the urine or feces of an affected dog.
Because the bottom row of kennels is considered «downstream» due to potential food, water, urine and feces contamination coming from the kennels above, we want the kittens there to have some protection via vaccine.
Puppies from infected mothers are not born with the disease, but will quickly acquire it via their exposure to their mothers» feces.
The virus is spread mainly through contact with feces, however, the virus is very stable in the environment and can be spread via contaminated food bowls, water bowls, litter boxes, and health care workers.
The toxins in marijuana are eliminated from the dog's body via the liver and bile (55 %), feces (45 %), and urine (17 %).
A viewer asked if parvo can be spread via vomit (as well as feces) after losing a puppy to parvo.
Dogs of any age can become infected with canine adenovirus via contact with infected saliva, mucus, urine, or feces.
Then it will encyst itself once again and is then passed outside via the dog's feces.
It is not spread via urine or feces.
The worm is transmitted via ingested contaminated dog feces are through contact with an open wound or skin crack.
These can all be contracted via infected feces.
Many dog worms types such as hookworms are ingested via contaminated feces or enter the body through an open wound.
Pets are exposed to parasite eggs via litter boxes, walking in the grass, ingestion of other animal's feces, ingestion of grass, and the licking / cleaning of their feet and rectum.
Observed Vox Felina blogger Peter Wolf of the alleged cat connection to monk seal endangerment, in 2016, «The Toxoplasma gondii parasite, sometimes spread via cat feces, has claimed eight monk seals over the past 15 years.
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