Sentences with phrase «via gravity»

Dark matter, which makes up most of the mass of the universe, is only known to interact with ordinary, visible matter via gravity.
But those from different copies would only interact via gravity, and they would repel rather than attract each other.
Simulations of how large - scale cosmic structures form suggest that galaxies are connected by a vast network of dark matter, the evasive substance that makes up most of the universe's matter but interacts with regular matter only via gravity (SN Online: 10/11/17).
The plus - sized grip provides more real estate for your fingers, and the heft makes it easier to let the razor do its thing via gravity.
A big next step, scientists say, is to observe a nearby supernova or the collision of neutron stars via both gravity waves and light.
The second is trapping the neutrons in a metal bottle, with magnetic fields or even via gravity, similar to how water is «trapped» in a bathtub.
Dark matter famously refuses to interact with ordinary matter except via gravity, so theorists had assumed that its particles would be just as aloof with each other.
Six years ago, physicist John Price and his colleagues at the University of Colorado at Boulder conducted the first experiment to detect a higher dimension via gravity.
It should be too large to slip through the neck of the bottle via gravity alone but not so large that it would burst were it to get pushed through.
«Two other common methods of printing these cells are either two - dimensional (in a petri dish) or via the «suspension» method (where a «stalagmite» of cells is built up by material being dropped via gravity.)»
Dwarf galaxies frequently lose their stars to their larger neighbors via gravity.
Within this swirling debris, rocky particles began to collide, forming larger masses that soon attracted even more particles via gravity.
If the chip for any reason migrates via gravity to an area on your cat's belly or in a leg, there is a chance that the person scanning your cat won't find the chip, although the chips are designed to try and prevent migration.
I have played Canyon, melee from above via gravity well is so satisfying!
A particle that interacts via gravity and the weak force but not with photons fits the bill — and that is a WIMP.
Nearly 85 per cent of the matter in the universe is thought be so - called dark matter — stuff that has not yet been detected directly because it only interacts with normal matter via gravity.
But the galaxies pull strongly on one another via gravity, distorting their shapes and ripping stars and gas clouds off each other to form so - called tidal tails.
Our sun was but a fledgling protostar, continually amassing more matter via gravity and steadily cranking up its internal nuclear fusion.
The planets must nudge one another via gravity and migrate into those orbital paths until the lengths of their orbits form a neat ratio.
In ordinary systems, solids are settled out via gravity.
The composting toilet's mechanics are simple: the waste, via gravity, goes into a tank where, mixed with wood chips, it composts.
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