Sentences with phrase «via the kidneys»

If not eliminated via the kidneys, it will store in the bones, lungs, muscle, liver and brain.
So when you drop your carbs you also drop a lot of cellular water via the kidneys.
In addition, it is a fact that for the first 6 - 8 weeks of being on a ketogenic diet, uric acid levels in the body will increase, since ketones compete with uric acid for excretion via the kidneys.
Whey helps to transport and expel toxins via the kidneys by cleansing the renal filter and priming the whole system to work more efficiently.
It converts protein to glucose, converts glucose to glycogen, manufactures triglycerides, among many other tasks, but its best - known responsibility is to render toxins inert and shuttle them out to be expelled — usually in the urine via the kidney.
Exercise is one of the best detox methods because it literally forces toxins out of the tissues and into the bloodstream where they can be easily eliminated from the body via the kidneys.
A big focus for my cleanses is enhancing phase 1 and phase 2 liver detoxification while at the same time supporting elimination via the kidneys, digestive tract and skin.
The electrolyte balance and the water balance via the kidneys will rebalance but it takes time.
Having said this, they may be prone to protein - wasting diseases like protein - losing neuropathy, when they lose this nutrient via the kidneys.
Tramadol is removed from the body by the liver (70 %) as well as via kidney excretion (30 %).
nutrients being lost via kidney or gut damage
The only problem is most Western arthritis drugs (NSAIDs) are metabolized via the kidney or liver.
In this case, vitamin C not only directly boosts the immune system both locally and systemically to fight infection, as a water soluble vitamin eliminated primarily via the kidneys, vitamin C also acidifies the urine directly to create a less hospitable environment for bacteria to proliferate.
Patients with kidney disease will require reductions in potassium bromide dosing as this drug is removed via the kidneys.
Calcification of soft tissue, growth retardation, excess calcium excretion via the kidneys (kidney stones), headaches, muscle weakness, fatigue, excessive thirst
As a diaphoretic and diuretic, Burdock promotes sweating, which helps to release toxins through the skin and also promotes increased urine, further eliminating toxins via the kidneys and bladder.
Sadly, it is taking more then one week to clear up her kidney and bladder infection which I am certain is directly related to poisonous toxins exiting her body via her kidneys and bladder.
Levonorgestrel is eliminated via kidney (60 - 80 %) and liver (40 - 50 %).
• For small - molecule drugs, excretion via the kidneys is the most common path of «decay».
(Note: The body naturally detoxifies itself via the kidneys, liver and spleen, and it eliminates them through perspiration and waste.)
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