Sentences with phrase «viable offspring»

The phrase "viable offspring" means the ability for an organism to produce healthy and capable babies that can survive and reproduce successfully. Full definition
They can not produce viable offspring with other insects in the wild, not even with other species of mosquito.
Other workers have failed to produce viable offspring when they attempted equivalent experiments.
Exactly why females in groups of unrelated flies have fewer viable offspring is unclear.
Unlike mammals, mated corn varieties can have fairly vast genetic differences and still produce viable offspring.
The researchers had previously found that the harmful crosses between species nevertheless can produce a few viable offspring.
Such a multi-species party didn't make sense, he said, because mating outside one's species doesn't result in viable offspring.
In zoos, the different giraffe types now being proposed as separate species did the one thing that has traditionally defined animals as a single species: They bred together and produced what seemed like viable offspring.
In a separate study conducted by Zhang Zhaobin of the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences at Peking University, exposure to TPT reduced the ability of the Japanese Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) to produce viable offspring by as much as 75 % in a controlled facility.
• We erroneously attributed to Thomas Frost the statement that sheep and goats can not interbreed to produce viable offspring unless...
There, the sperm prematurely fertilized the eggs, which were then unable to develop into viable offspring.
Until now, it has been assumed that all fertile sperms in one ejaculation from an animal are equally capable of engendering viable offspring.
Correct DNA methylation patterns are paramount for the generation of functional gametes capable of forming viable offspring, but also for the regulation of pluripotency states and the maintenance of genome architecture and expression in somatic cells.
Crops within the Beta vulgaris species are fully sexually compatible and mating between any two of these crops will occur if they flower in proximity to one another, as pollen from one will readily fertilize any of the other's flowers, resulting in viable offspring that produce viable seed.
A working definition of a species is that members of the same species can produce viable offspring when they mate — something members of different species can not do unless the species are very closely related.
The approach, called «synthetic incompatibility,» effectively makes engineered organisms a separate species unable to produce viable offspring with their wild or domesticated relatives.
Although they can produce viable offspring in some lizards and fish, in mammals they typically result in embryos that survive for only a few days or weeks.
Then, however, genetic analysis reveals that members of these two species interbred and produced viable offspring that populated Europe and spread eastward as far as China and Papua New Guinea.
After isolation, if members of the split populations encounter one another and can not produce viable offspring that can themselves later successfully interbreed and produce viable offspring (hybrids such as mules are infertile), then these two populations constitute two different species.
In the initial work at the Roslin Institute, the egg cells along with their transplanted nuclei were then implanted directly into a foster mother, where they developed and, in the case of Dolly, resulted in a viable offspring.
«If one defines that two species separate as when they can not produce viable offspring, then perhaps brown bears and polar bears aren't yet separate species,» Miller admits.
«Reproductive success,» meaning the number of viable offspring an individual can produce, is an important concept in this regard.
The bald eagle was nearly extinct in the continental U.S. by the late 20th century, but the population has since stabilized, primarily due to habitat protection and a ban on DDT, an insecticide that weakened the birds» eggs so much that the eagles could not produce viable offspring.
More provocatively, insect studies have shown that having non-matching microbiomes can prevent individuals of the same species from producing viable offspring, thus influencing the evolution of their host insect species.
Wild snakes have been seen gestating parthenogenetic young, but it's unknown if they would ever have produced viable offspring.
But to really prove that they are oocytes, Surani says, the team needs to show that the cells can be fertilized and produce viable offspring.
When wild females mate with these transgenic males, there are no viable offspring; the hope is that, as a result, the mosquito populations will collapse.
Earlier research has shown that both characteristics make a male less likely to produce viable offspring.
Crossovers are necessary to produce viable offspring, but crossing over also has risks.
It has to do with finding the best genetically compatible partner to produce viable offspring.
Inbreeding depression refers to the decrease in the viable offspring of genetically related dogs that have mated.
These adult fleas are unable to produce viable offspring.
It was the major division used by Carl Linnaeus (1707 — 1778) in his classification system and identifies plants or animals that can produce viable offspring.
For example, we know a horse and a donkey can produce a mule but the mule can not produce viable offspring.

Phrases with «viable offspring»

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