Sentences with phrase «viable systems of»

Considerable effort has been made to promote the development of viable systems of family dispute resolution that are accessible to Indigenous people.
The goal of this study was to strike a careful balance between the contradictory needs for efficient energy conversion and chemically sensitive electronic components to develop a viable system of artificial photosynthesis to generate clean fuel.
The goal of this study was to strike a careful balance between the contradictory needs for efficient energy conversion and chemically sensitive electronic components to develop a viable system of artificial photosynthesis to generate clean fuel.

Not exact matches

A bakery owner, for instance, may not need to devote much of his resources to employee training, but a firm that provides electrical wiring services to commercial clients may need to implement a system of continuing education for its workers in order to remain viable.
But «in those countries and corners of the financial system where the traditional services of money are inadequately supplied, Bitcoin (and cryptocurrencies more generally) may offer viable alternatives.»
Project Jasper, a joint effort between the private sector and Canada's central bank and payment systems operator over the past two years, is a good example of this type of work, and is a blueprint that the U.S. should follow if we ever want to see blockchain become a viable Social Security number replacement.
Windows Phone Gaining A Toehold In Some Markets (Kantar Worldpanel via All Things Digital) Microsoft's new Windows Phone operating system has a lot of ground to make up if it's ever to become a viable third mobile platform.
«Of course, it's undeniable that in our electoral system, candidates need access to wealth to run financially viable campaigns, and the most successful fundraisers are politicians who swim in those circles to begin with.»
None of these steps in isolation will save the bitcoin system; but together, they may solidify it as viable and trustworthy enough to be one part of the global financial system, instead of languishing on the fringes.
Ahlborn proposed the project to SpaceX and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc. was born with the hopes of building the first commercially viable Hyperloop system in 10 years.
Companies should support the development of a viable system for users to indicate they do not want to be tracked across the internet, and make a clear commitment to respect these preferences.
In reality, such systems are far more viable if built into the foundation of the technology (like HTTPS!)
In order to meet long term success here, you need to have a viable method of identifying profitable trades and a good money management system to make sure you are never risking too much at any one time or risking too little for the trade to be worthwhile.
Early adopters of cryptocurrencies were attracted to its nature of decentralization, as it represented a viable alternative to the traditional monetary system.
With corporations eliminating more than 84,000 pension plans since 1985, over a decade of unprecedented and ongoing market volatility, a Social Security system that has over 2,000 filing rules and a government agency prohibited from dispensing advice, the ability to offer expertise on the topic of when and how to develop a Social Security filing strategy is paramount to helping retirees remain financially viable throughout retirement.
And it's no secret that Amazon and iTunes take a chunk out of authors» and artists» earnings, with iTunes currently pocketing 30 percent of its artists» profits and Amazon taking a hefty 30 — 75 percent.Though it's easy to be critical, I am more interested in looking for a viable alternative to disrupt the existing system.
Thus leaders of most major parties and officials tend to support the global capitalist system as there seems to be no reasonably viable alternative to it (and for them) in the short term.
A unipolar system of international capitalism with many centres of power, mainly under US dominance, is now imposing itself as the only viable alternative available to economic and social life.
Lindblom shows that any viable alternative would have a lot of features that resemble the market system itself.
So, people need medical coverage and the «free market» «employer based» system is not a viable model for covering a population as large as that of the US.
These theses of the socially powerless Jesus, the compromise of the gospel ethic with world and other systems of thought, the centrality of the love commandments, the need for a viable social ethic utilizing social philosophies, and the understanding by all this in relationship to the history of social philosophies had a forceful impact upon both H. Richard Niebuhr and his older brother Reinhold Niebuhr.
Wine grape prices have been falling for a decade and a significant part of the industry would not be viable without the assistance of the tax system.
Through the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, the dairy community supports socially responsible, economically viable and environmentally sound dairy food systems that promote the current and future health and well - being of our consumers, communities, cows, employees, businesses and planet.
CGF is urging all consumer goods companies to phase out harmful hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) focusing on four key points; the installation of new refrigeration equipment in markets where viable, engagement with stakeholders to overcome barriers in markets where installation is not currently viable, reduction of the environmental impact of existing refrigeration systems and the development of individual targets and action plans to measure the first three points.
Unconscionable conduct (agrees with NFF that they have not provided protection and support reforms «to provide transparency in the supply chain» and recognise that «certain classes of suppliers... are predisposed to suffering from a special disadvantage...»; misuse of market power (legal framework must «level the balance of market power in negotiations...», «ensure transparency in the transmission of market prices» and «not allow for final market risks to be borne by the primary producer» and provide «transparency of contract processes» - specifically, Canegrowers supports effects test and a process giving ACCC greater power to «regulate anti-competitive behaviour and impose penalties», shifting «the decisions framework from the judicial system to a regulatory system» which would make it more accessible to small producers); collective bargaining (notes limits of Sugar Industry Act (Qld); authorisation and notification approval costly and limited and not a viable alternative - peak bodies should be able to «commence and progress collective bargaining with mills on behalf of their members» and current threshold too restrictive)» competitive neutrality (mixed outcomes - perverse outcomes in the case of natural monopolies - suggest remove «application of competitive neutrality provisions to natural monopoly essential services»)
There are no easy answers to these questions, but viability must always be considered holistically — as well as being financially viable, are we maintaining viable soils, viable animals grown in healthy systems resilient to disease without constant application of antibiotics?
Occasionally however, if it's deemed commercially viable, hens in free - range systems will be kept on for another season which would extend their life for around 12 months — still well short of what nature intended.
In 2016, Rodale Institute initiated the Vegetable Systems Trial (VST), a long - term side - by - side comparison of biologically - based organic and chemically - based conventional vegetable production systems.The goal for this project is to develop economically viable vegetable production systems which improve soil, plant, human... CoSystems Trial (VST), a long - term side - by - side comparison of biologically - based organic and chemically - based conventional vegetable production systems.The goal for this project is to develop economically viable vegetable production systems which improve soil, plant, human... Cosystems.The goal for this project is to develop economically viable vegetable production systems which improve soil, plant, human... Cosystems which improve soil, plant, human... Continued
This is a viable system for making it work for a huge number of people.
The study's author noted (and anti-home-birth advocates are quick to point out) that the outcomes were a result of «a good risk - selection system, good transport in place, and well - trained midwives,» factors that are no doubt influenced by the collaboration of Dutch doctors and midwives and a national health system that support home births as a viable choice for women.
It is harder to research a couple dozen candidates in a given election (which would be typical in a nine seat election since there would be viable third party candidates as well as a candidate for each seat from each of two major parties) than it is to research two of them as you would in a single member district with the two party system that single member districts strongly favor.
But despite this new space for a major public debate about fundamental change, serious political challenges to the system — from «Occupy» protestors, community activists, environmentalists and others — have thus far been contained by the continuing sense of a lack of viable alternatives.
In fact, two different attitudes from Spanish nationalism should be distinguished in order to understand why a federal reform of the system in Spain appears to be hardly viable (territorial nationalism) or not viable at all (multinational federalism).
As decades of mismanagement continue to wreak havoc on the city's transportation infrastructure, congestion pricing has once again been touted as a viable solution, both for the crumbling subway system and for the gridlock that clogs the city on a daily basis.
His public statements are to just let the healthcare industry implode, but as a President that is not a politically viable option so «deal making» maybe will still have a chance to happen, if and when improvements to the current system can be identified, proposed and debated, but the Big Deal ™ is that Obamacare survives (for now) during a time of Republican control after years of not only talking about repealing it from the ground up but actually voting to do it when it didn't really matter.
One assumes Gibson knows Albany already has a viable two - party system: Republicans in the Senate, Democrats in the Assembly, Democrats controlling the offices of governor, comptroller and attorney general, everybody working for each other's benefit.
«Viable treatment options for brain metastases are still an unmet need,» said Hong Zhao, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of systems medicine and bioengineering at Houston Methodist Research Institute and co-corresponding author.
Cutting the costs of solar, including modules and supporting systems, by half from $ 3.50 or more per watt currently would establish solar as a viable option without subsidies, experts agree.
A study in the journal Addiction shows that a viable system for measuring the consumption of illegal drugs in various communities is to analyze samples of untreated wastewater — which contains the leftovers.
To preserve these services or develop viable alternatives, humans must recognise feedback — signals of climate change and ecosystem decline — from natural systems.
OLEV is a groundbreaking technology that accelerates the development of purely electric vehicles as a viable option for future transportation systems, be they personal vehicles or public transit.
Instead, Faro and Mohamed say that developing this method into a viable lie - detection system will depend on discovering complex patterns of brain behavior linked to lying.
Even if Max can get potable water from the top of his reactor, will such a system ever be commercially viable?
«We can confidently say that this type of prosthesis is a viable choice and the new infection classification system, developed by the Osseointegrated Group of Australia, provides an effective tool for the use in patient selection as well as infection management.»
Three ancient river systems, now buried, may have created viable routes for human migration across the Sahara to the Mediterranean region about 100,000 years ago, according to research published September 11 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Tom Coulthard from the University of Hull, UK, and colleagues from other institutions.
There must be a very strong public outreach program so that a community can come to understand why these strategies are necessary or why there may not be any viable alternatives, he said, adding that transparency about how the system works and assurances of its safety are also vital.
According to Miller, «This work suggests that enhanced vesicular filling can be sustained over time and may be a viable therapeutic approach for a variety of central nervous system disorders that involve the storage and release of dopamine, serotonin, or norepinephrine.»
With 2000 kWh of storage capacity, the LOHC system constitutes a viable long - term storage option for the Micro Smart Grid, connected to the power supply via a fuel cell.
They've already determined that the bug excels at breaking down lactic acid in a test tube and remains viable after it passes through the digestive system of mice.
To date, models have shown that «the only economically viable way to produce the large amount of biomass required to supplant a large portion of our fossil - fuel needs requires an open - pond system,» Hildebrand says.
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