Sentences with phrase «vicinity of the black hole»

Relying on telescopes in Arizona and Hawaii (which would eventually be part of the EHT), they tried to get observations of Sagittarius A * at higher angular resolutions than had been possible before, but failed to detect the signals they expected to see in the immediate vicinity of the black hole.
In order for an accretion disk to be continuously shining, a fueling source, i.e. a companion star, must be in the close vicinity of a black hole.
For example, he and his collaborators are currently trying to calculate the intensity of electromagnetic radiation emanating from the vicinity of a black hole.
Perhaps surprisingly, simulations suggest that stars can form in the vicinity of a black hole — though stars that venture too close may self - destruct.
General relativity predicts the same thing as Newton's laws wherever gravity is not overly strong, but it yields different answers in extreme environments, such as in the vicinity of a black hole.
In a study published in The Astrophysical Journal on June 23, Schnittman describes the results of a computer simulation he developed to follow the orbits of hundreds of millions of dark matter particles, as well as the gamma rays produced when they collide, in the vicinity of a black hole.
He and his colleagues examined the behaviour of scalar particles (the spin of these particles is zero — an example of this could be the Higgs boson) in the vicinity of black holes and massive compact objects.
The only things that would do the job are the fundamental strings of string theory, which hypothetically can support their own weight in the vicinity of a black hole.
The assumption that we've made is that these same outflows will also carry the materials with magnetic fields that were produced in the vicinity of the black hole out into the rest of the galaxy.
The new evidence may force theorists to revise their ideas about how material behaves in the vicinity of black holes.
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