Sentences with phrase «vicious cycle when»

To Hramiec's point, this fuels a vicious cycle when it comes to competency models spreading: if a small minority of fully competency - based schools can not spur a supply of integrated competency - based technology solutions, it is unlikely that larger systems, whose demand ultimately drives the edtech market, will move away from time - based practices.
Vicious, vicious cycle when we're stressed and not eating the best.
Hypersensitivity, stress, and adrenal fatigue can walk hand in hand in a vicious cycle when any one part of it is left unchecked.

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If the answer is «no,» it's time to sell; otherwise, the result is regret of buying a losing stock and the regret of not selling when it became clear that a poor investment decision was made — and a vicious cycle ensues where avoiding regret leads to more regret.
When I first got saved, many others, ended up on a vicious cycle of terror fearing I had committed this sin.
Even in the midst of anger and fear, of hatred and violence, when a billion years worth of instinct gears us up for either fight or flight, something calls for us to break the vicious cycle and instead to reach out to the other with caring and understanding.
We do stand up when christians think they are the only ones who are right and yet everything they do becomes a vicious cycle of returning to one book for their solutions.
This leads to a vicious cycle: your child's stool will become harder, bigger and will be more painful when she tries to get them out and that will make her more resistant to go to the potty to pass her stools.
This creates a vicious cycle: She withholds poop, which makes the constipation worse, and then it's painful when she finally goes, so she fears using the potty.
When I would try and rock him and so forth it only woke him up more and was a vicious cycle.
When babies bawl like this, they take in a lot of air, which creates gas and more pain, making them cry even more — fueling a vicious cycle that many parents struggle with on a daily basis.
For example, a baby who is always rocked to sleep never learns the self - soothing techniques needed to fall asleep on his own, so when he awakens during the night and Mom is not there, he can not get back to sleep without her rocking him all over again and it becomes a vicious cycle.
When a single night is interrupted by lack of sleep, it results in a chain of bad days and nights in a kind of vicious cycle to deprive you and your baby the much - needed peace of sleep.
And so will this vicious cycle continue till only God knows when?
Such thinking gradually erodes your sense of self - worth as well as self - confidence especially when one gets rejected, which in fact hurts your future chances of securing jobs, which then further damages self - confidence, eventually locking the person into a vicious cycle of defeat.
When the jet stream does that, it transports more heat and moisture up into the Arctic, which heats the Arctic more, which make the jet stream even wavier — another vicious cycle related to disappearance of sea ice.
More exposure leads to a faster rate of retreat, causing a vicious cycle that stops only when the depth of the bowl stops growing.
When to get help If you've experienced pain or rejection during intimacy, you might decide to avoid the situation altogether, and that can become a vicious cycle.
«All cavities have drainage pathways, and when they become obstructed, there's usually a vicious cycle,» explains Dr. Thacker.
When you ingest those allergens again, it leads to a vicious cycle that further inflames the intestinal lining.
Skin can also be oily and dehydrated — and ironically, when our skin is dehydrated, it tends to produce extra oil to compensate for the lack of water — creating a vicious cycle that often leads to frustration.
For example, tiredness, excessive stress or pressure to perform «as you used to when you were young», can result in a vicious cycle of erection disorder.
And I feel better when I ditch most of the grains — even whole ones — that had me in a vicious cycle so I can safely enjoy very modest amounts of Essene breads or baked breads made of sprouted non-wheat grains.
My Hashimoto's makes me more susceptible to hair loss when I'm under stress, and I was stressed about my hair loss (vicious cycle).
When this happens for a period of time, the cells start to become resistant to the presence of insulin, causing a vicious cycle.
When you eat foods you're sensitive to, you create a wave of inflammation that not only does damage to your system on the first round, but inflammation combined with stress creates a vicious cycle that just keeps going and going (thanks to a little cytokine called Nf - kappaB).
Then when we don't reach them, we blame ourselves and a vicious cycle begins.
So, today around 3 pm when I had to peel myself off of the floor to run after Noah I decided that this vicious cycle needed to end!
This is when the hunger hormones are released and you feel hungry, starting the whole vicious cycle over again.
When your body is overloaded with estrogen, the circulating sugar gets converted to fat, perpetuating a vicious cycle (and this is assuming your adrenals are working perfectly --
When the body's blood sugar is low, moodiness, irritability, and cravings come into play making you eat more sugar and thus promoting a vicious cycle.
I don't recall when things changed; perhaps a result of over-exhaustion from the vicious cycle I was living and being sick & tired (literally) of fuelling myself off of aspartame - containing, zero - calorie, processed foods.
Generation of reactive oxygen species, or free radicals such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, is a normal byproduct of metabolism, but can damage cellular machinery when excessive and impair the production of cellular energy, which becomes a vicious cycle as energy - intensive repair processes become untenable (25, 26).
And be gentle with yourself when you indulge — avoid toxic conversations with yourself that keep you in a vicious cycle of guilt and shame!
When I started following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (detailed in «Breaking the Vicious Cycle»), it helped my IBS a LOT.
When we do a vicious cycle starts and we keep getting sick more and more often.
And when you stress your body you can get into a vicious cycle with stress hormones that suppress your thyroid and throw you out of balance.
There's nothing wrong with an occasional, beneficial beauty splurge here and there (when appropriate), but it can be a vicious cycle that is hard to stop.
If you've ever had bangs, then you know the vicious cycle: You cut bangs, you look bangin» in said bangs, you regret ever getting bangs, and then you Google terms like «how to make my hair grow faster» and «hairstyles to wear when growing out bangs.»
When these whirlwind people are done with one person they start looking for their next high and do it over and over again in one vicious cycle after another.
There's no mercy when you're dating online or on first dates so you better put your best foot forward or else you will keep repeating the vicious cycle of rejection.
There are some nasty vicious cycle effects, but the fuse was lit in the summer of 2006 when house prices started to soften.
Deposit insurance is only needed when money is created out of debt through fractional reserve banking, and then that debt becomes the basis of more debt - based lending in a vicious cycle of deceit.
For most new owners, if given a chance when the dog pulls on lead the owner immediately pulls back causing the dog to pull again and a vicious cycle begins.
When a dog scratches the itch, he traumatizes his skin, which predisposes to further infection, and a vicious cycle ensues.
When they cat begins to scratch at these bumps, skin damage and subsequent infection can occur rapidly, which leads to even more skin discomfort, then more itching, and the process quickly becomes a vicious cycle.
A vicious cycle ensues when you're only making the minimum payment and racking up balance transfer fees.
The trouble is then when I come back to the game, I've forgotten everything and I feel like I have to start over... tis a vicious cycle.
This causes a vicious cycle that increases the children's risks of being affected heavily when faced with succeeding predicaments.
When they burn, they put that carbon in the atmosphere, increasing the impacts of climate change and creating a vicious cycle that will likely lead to more fires.
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