Sentences with phrase «vicissitudes of time»

But in another sense — a more important sense, it seems — they all were writing for Toni Morrison and for me and for anyone else who, in the unfathomable vicissitudes of time, picked up their books.
When we recognize the original point as that of the contrast between the handful of seed and the bushels of harvest, and when we set the parable finally in the context of the proclamation of God acting as king in the experience of men confronted by the message and ministry of Jesus, what is the significance of a story about a Palestinian peasant who sows handfuls of seed and, despite all the agricultural vicissitudes of that time and place, gathers in bushels of harvest?
Many peoples that have reached this stage have left us no sacred literature because they wrote on easily destructible materials which have not survived the vicissitudes of time.
Thus Christian Orthodoxy has insisted that the truth in the Bible is eternal, that the vicissitudes of time and history do not really affect it.
In one of those ironies resulting from the vicissitudes of time» this model of campus ministry, once perceived as being both activist and populist.
On the other hand, the hardy lichen partnership between fungi and photosynthetic microbes has withstood the vicissitudes of time.
His tone as novelist is a wonderful reminder of the self - assured poetics of his shorter fiction, yet now even more of a literary treat as he traces out his tale through the vicissitudes of time
When culled from the proliferating archives — at the curatorial hand of the artist or the artistic hand of the curator — the compulsion toward photographic evidence that underpins this history comes up haunted by the vicissitudes of time, belief, prejudice, and ultimately, the betrayal of control and intention.
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