Sentences with phrase «victimization experiences»

The results from the current study revealed that everyday peer victimization experiences among Mexican - American high school students have negative implications for adolescents» adjustment, across multiple domains.
Adolescents» self - reported feelings of social anxiety and peer victimization experiences were assessed at two time points, in November and January of the same school year.
Participants in Study 1 were 393 (122 boys, 171 girls) and in Study 2 were 345 (153 boys, 192 girls) 11 — 15 - year - olds who completed measures of cyber victimization experiences, cyberbullying behaviors, face - to - face victimization experiences, face - to - face bullying behaviors, and social desirability.
Through 2 studies, the authors developed (Study 1) and evaluated (Study 2) the cyber victimization experiences and cyberbullying behaviors scales.
Developing the cyber victimization experiences and cyberbullying behaviors scales.
Self - awareness, affect regulation, and relatedness: Differential sequels of childhood versus adult victimization experiences.
The purpose of the current study was to develop and test a transactional model, based on longitudinal data, capable to describe the existing interrelation between maternal behavior and child bullying and victimization experiences over time.
Despite their overlapping, research has demonstrated the importance of distinguishing the 2 forms of victimization because they may be differentially related to personal adjustment.48 Future studies should analyze the negative health consequences of physical and relational victimization experiences.
There is mounting concern about how mothers» own victimization experiences affect their children.
For example, much variability exists in the methods and instruments used to assess the prevalence of symptoms and peer victimization experiences.
While compiling previous research for their analysis, the researchers found that studies were much less likely to measure dating violence perpetration behaviors and victimization experiences than knowledge and attitudes.
School - based prevention programs were found to be successful in having a significant impact on dating violence knowledge and attitudes and, unlike victimization experiences, changes in knowledge were sustained over time.
In essence, she must be pure nd modest or any victimization she experiences is her own fault, not the man's who victimized her.
African - American victims have approximately the same rates of victimization as Caucasian children, but are more likely to experience penetration as part of their victimization experience (Wyatt, 1985).
This chapter focuses on the sequelae in adulthood of traumatic victimization experienced in early childhood (that is, infancy, toddlerhood, and early school years).
The purpose of the present study was to investigate ethnic differences in trauma - related mental health symptoms among adolescents, and test the mediating and moderating effects of polyvictimization (i.e., number of types of traumas / victimizations experienced by an individual) and household income, respectively.

Not exact matches

And yes, much to your apparent chagrin, one of them is victimization if a person's experience was unhealthy within a religious group.
Like you I attempt to create relationships with the abused where they feel empowered to talk openly about the abuse they've experienced without fear of further victimization by dismissiveness and / or accusations.
Many experience sexual victimization as part of that enslavement.
21 percent of severely obese children experienced physical victimization compared to only 5.4 percent of normal weight children and 8.7 percent of overweight kids.
«Many people with fibromyalgia have experienced adversity in their lives, including victimization, family problems and internal conflicts, all of which create important emotions that are often suppressed or avoided.
«Bullying victimization is an adverse experience that has negative ramifications over the life course,» Dr. Alex Piquero said.
He added: «Our findings also corroborate those of other studies, demonstrating that programs designed to prevent reactive aggression should focus on reducing experiences of victimization, whereas those meant to counter proactive aggression should be based on the development of pro-social values.»
It is not surprising, then, to find that 10 percent to 50 percent of college students have experienced victimization at the hands of an intimate partner at least once during their college career.»
«Some may not know that the experience they had is actually classified as sexual victimization.
The study, conducted by Weiss, and clinical developmental psychology PhD candidates Stephanie Brown - Lavoie and Michelle Viecili, found that the lack of sexual knowledge in adults with autism played a role in increasing the risk of sexual victimizationexperiences of sexual coercion, unwanted sexual contact, attempted rape or rape.
Researchers found a large degree of overlap between the two forms of victimization (i.e., victims of one form are likely to experience the other form), which the study's authors suggest means the two forms should be considered in relation to one another.
The first study, which analyzed research on peer victimization in 17 countries, found that both girls and boys experience relational peer victimization, but boys experience more overt victimization.
However, this pattern of adaptive stress response development was significantly less pronounced when children experienced relatively high levels of peer victimization in the second grade.
Relational victimization, experienced by boys and girls at similar levels, was related to higher levels of relational aggression and internalizing problems such as symptoms of depression and of anxiety, as well as lower levels of received prosocial behavior like peer support and help (called prosocial support).
They also are more likely to experience such strains as criminal victimization and such negative emotions as depression and anxiety.
«These findings point to the need for effective interventions during the elementary school years to combat peer victimization, as well as programs designed to help children who have experienced repeated peer victimization learn how to effectively cope with stress,» Troop - Gordon explains.
Furthermore, although children generally experienced less victimization with age, for those children whose were steadily victimized or who were victimized more frequently, adaptive stress response development was hindered.
A recent study from Columbia University, for example, showed that queer youth living in states where schools enumerate homophobic bullying, experience less victimization.
The study also found that children and adolescents who experience higher levels of overt victimization report higher levels of overt aggression and lower levels of prosocial support, and exhibit more externalizing behavior such as delinquency, impulsivity, and conduct problems.
Overall, 43.1 percent of students experienced at least one form of victimization during the 2015 - 2016 schoolyear.
Those experiencing overt victimization were more likely to exhibit rule - breaking behavior, regardless of the level of support or type of friends they had.
«Our study provides additional evidence suggesting that peer social support buffers the association between experiences of relational victimization and depressive symptoms in adolescence,» says Cooley.
Experiences of peer victimization can therefore have an effect on their social relationships, and lead to various psychological and social adjustment problems.
The more social support those experiencing relational victimization received from delinquent friends, the greater the chances that they would also take part in rule - breaking activities.
The researchers suggest the lower overall rate of future victimization may be attributable to increased awareness of victims, police action, and other services that victims receive after reporting their experience to authorities.
«It also shows that this group of students may be more isolated from the typical college experience that produces victimization, which is instructive.»
Overall, the study found that those who filed police reports about their initial experience were 22 percent less likely to experience repeat victimization.
Using data from the American College Health Association's National College Health Assessment II, criminologists from Georgia State University and the University of West Georgia assessed the extent to which international college students experience violent victimization, comparing their risk to that for domestic students.
The researchers suggest that better understanding of how reporting to police affects future victimization could help law enforcement and other government agencies better engage with victims, particularly those in minority communities, who experience higher rates of victimization.
«Children who watched a lot of television growing up were more likely to prefer solitude, experience peer victimization, and adopt aggressive and antisocial behaviour toward their peers at the end of the first year of middle school.
Children who experienced moderate victimization were not at increased risk of reporting mental health problems.
Children who experienced severe peer victimization were more than twice as likely to report depression or low moods at age 15 compared with those who experienced low or no victimization, and 3 times more likely to report anxiety.
38 % of female undergraduate students of the American university who answered the questions admitted to having experienced sexual victimization.
«This study is the first to reveal possible mechanisms that may explain how seemingly mild experiences of being sexually objectified can increase women's vulnerability to sexual victimization», DiLillo said.
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