Sentences with phrase «video game movies fail»

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It fails as a horror movie, a video game adaptation and a film worth the three dimensions.
Despite the best intentions of everyone involved, Warcraft failed to break the dreaded video game movie curse a few months ago.
In fact, the film draws on a long tradition of deadly video game movies (encompassing the likes of Tron and eXistenZ), although it ultimately fails to add anything new to the genre, despite its apparent potential.
Steven Spielberg's «Ready Player One» might mark the beginning of a new era in filmmaking or the end of an old one, but either way it feels like a failed experiment in building a new story on the carcasses of old movies, TV shows and video games.
Levy understands that past video game movies have failed to achieve critical and commercial success, and he believes that he has identified the key elements in making video game movies work.
The Tomb Raider video game franchise has seen new life since its gritty and realistic reboot from which the film draws its inspiration from, but the first Tomb Raider trailer - like many of our «first looks» at 2018 movies so far - and poster failed to impress.
Raymond says she understands the challenges when she's reminded of how often movies based on video games fail.
For this week's podcast, Wynter and I examine Sony's E3 Showcase choices, How Rage 2's announcement was completely out of left field, and why Hollywood keeps setting up video game movie adaptation's to fail.
Whether it's movies, books or video games, mankind has always failed to stand against visitors from outer space on the onset of the invasion, only managing to survive after the almost complete devastation of the planet.
Unfortunately, movies video game movies have failed to capture the same achievements.
We've seen several series and movies based on popular video games fail miserably, but this time around, things might be different since Netflix is working closely with Nintendo.
With that said, the Mega Man games typically aren't as story driven as some other video game properties that have recently started development for the silver screen such as Assassins Creed, also being handled by Fox, which begs the question as to whether or not this project can succeed where so many other video game movies have failed miserably in the past.
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