Sentences with phrase «video teaching master»

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In this video tutorial, yoga master Sharath Jois will teach you how to use your breath to focus the mind and find stillness in this challenging pose.
A very good source of videos of classes given by the Master can be found at The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings website.
In this video, yoga master Sharath Jois teaches the third variation of this deep forward fold that also provides a nice shoulder opener.
TAP provides at least nine days of core training, plus ongoing daylong regional training sessions and analyses of video lessons, to prepare master and mentor teachers to conduct professional growth activities such as demonstrating lessons, team teaching, coaching, giving effective feedback, and conducting workshops.
Although the video database was designed to help teachers master the challenges of inquiry - based social studies teaching of any sort, we have also used specific cases within the database explicitly to provide models of teachers effectively using technology to support specific pedagogical and content goals.
A laptop loaded with data from previous observations can allow an administrator to hone in on only those teaching indicators that merit the most attention — and provide instantaneous feedback accompanied by videos of best practices from master teachers.
The program is entirely scripted and comes with: 60 page program guide, 20 eight page kid's activity guides, 1 Dog Smart Card Game, 50 SAFE Dog Bite Prevention Game 4 ″ x 6 ″ postcards, downloadable Powerpoint, downloadable videos, additional puzzles and games to copy, and certificate of completion masters for both Reach & Teach and SAFE Dog Bite Prevention.
Mastering the Game: What Video Games Can Teach Us About...
Workshops will include a combination of teaching methods such as lectures, handouts, video sessions of master schema therapists, live demonstrations, question - and - answer periods, group discussions, supervised practice in dyads, discussion of supervisees» own schemas.
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