Sentences with phrase «view of reality as»

In fact, the religious view considers the secularist «mechanical materialist view of reality as too reductionist and as leaving out the «organic» and «spiritual» dimensions of human being and history and therefore as unable to renew the values of humanism and its reverence for life and the dignity of the human person in society in the name of which secularism started to protest against religious authoritarianism.
Third, if it remains consistent with its view of reality as transcendent and with its ideal goal of spiritual absorption, it inevitably results in a withdrawal from active participation in worldly affairs:
The ideal of the private dwelling and the normativeness of the nuclear family embody, cut off from those outside the immediate household and deliberately limited in the opportunity to interact with others, reflects the substantialist view of reality as composed of discrete, isolated substances.
It was the first public evidence of the project that had gradually taken shape in my mind during the preceding years: to work out on the level of systematic theology the ancient Israelitic view of reality as a history of God's interaction with his creation, as I had internalized it from the exegesis of my teacher Gerhard von Rad, after I had discovered how to extend it to the New Testament by way of Jewish eschatology and its developments in Jesus» message and history.

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Augmented reality is the view of the current world as we see it, with three - dimensional information layered on top of it.
For all his talk about principles like openness and free speech, his leadership is better viewed as a balancing of constituencies, a reality familiar to any politician.
Viewing projects as having a fixed end date doesn't reflect the modern reality of rapid development cycles.
While there are some signs of recognition such as the Fed's reduction in its estimated neutral rate from 4.5 percent to 3.0 percent during the last 2 years, the IMF's explicit use of the term secular stagnation in its World Economic Outlook, ECB president Mario Draghi's call for global coordination and greater use of fiscal policy, and Japan's indicated interest in fiscal - monetary cooperation, policymakers still have not made sufficiently radical adjustments in their world view to reflect this new reality of a world where generating adequate nominal GDP growth is likely to be the primary macroeconomic policy challenge for the next decade.
Battlezone — the original 1980 arcade classic from Atari, not Activision's 1998 strategy game — is considered by some to be the first virtual reality arcade game, thanks to its use of pseudo-3D graphics in a first - person perspective, as well as viewing «goggles» that the player put their face into.
Dear Mr. Mehran: We are writing to offer you our view about the urgency of appointing an individual who deeply understands the economic realities facing working class Americans to serve as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Last week was not a crash, though a free - fall appears increasingly possible, as the reality of emerging recession (and all that it implies for fresh credit risks, sovereign defaults, fiscal imbalances, banking strains and other problems) will likely smash against the consensus view of economic expansion in next few months.
While Bitcoin transactions were long viewed as free, the reality is that there was always a limit to the number of transactions the system could process per second.
You have to tell yourself that in order to feel good about using a crutch of a god in your life because you can't truly cope with the reality of living on this planet, dealing with others that don't view life as you do.
On its way to a view of happiness, the last section outlined a perspective in which reality as such can not be fully understood independently of its importance.
One understanding of human nature common to the modern era sees man as standing both above and outside nature (after Descartes, as a sort disembodied rational being), and nature itself as raw material — sometimes more pliable, sometimes less — for furthering human ambition (an instrumentalist post — Francis Bacon view of nature as a reality not simply to be understood but to be «conquered» and used to satisfy human desires).
The importance of Upanishadic representations of brahman as creating and reentering the universe is that brahman also may be viewed as the material cause and universal substance underlying all particular realities.
But reality of their antagonism with those who believe in God is as separating between people as differing views on who God is.
As Howell notes, Raymond rejects the view of «scholarly proclaimers of hetero - relations» that the theory and reality of feminism starts with woman's relationship to man (GFF 11).
They eschew the autonomous view of reality that says «I can do what I want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.»
Even if the empirical evidence for telepathy is sufficient to warrant its acceptance as a reality, that in itself does not necessitate the view of action at a distance.
In my view, he underestimates the degree to which Americans cherish the concept of «public education» even as they chafe under its present reality.
This point of view fully respects the progressive experimental concentration of human thought in a more and more lively awareness of its unifying role; but in place of the undefined point of convergence required as term for this evolution it is the clearly defined personal reality of the incarnate Word that is made manifest to us and established for us as our objective, that Word «in whom all things subsist.»
If religious belief is attained when reason makes a «total response of the total being to what is apprehended as the ultimate reality,» such that in this act reason is reborn, then it follows that those who totally accept a given world - view as ultimate, whether it be theistic or non-theistic, naturalistic or supernaturalistic, immanentist or transcendentalist, as normative for their entire lives and as the supreme value in their hierarchy of values, and hence not taken as a means but as an end, belong to the religious dimension.
As to how such an assertion is possible (even if it is advantageous), Keen tentatively suggests that if our dominant conviction is that our bodies and feelings can be trusted, «the likelihood is that» we will adopt a liberal view of ultimate reality.38 Keen's personal history as an affluent Anglo - Saxon male seems to become crucial at this point, for it allows him an optimism that is incredible considering the tooth - and - nail progression of world historAs to how such an assertion is possible (even if it is advantageous), Keen tentatively suggests that if our dominant conviction is that our bodies and feelings can be trusted, «the likelihood is that» we will adopt a liberal view of ultimate reality.38 Keen's personal history as an affluent Anglo - Saxon male seems to become crucial at this point, for it allows him an optimism that is incredible considering the tooth - and - nail progression of world historas an affluent Anglo - Saxon male seems to become crucial at this point, for it allows him an optimism that is incredible considering the tooth - and - nail progression of world history.
The Church also asks all politicians — Catholics included — to keep this reality before their eyes and close to their heart as they undertake their democratic duties with a view to upholding the common good of all within our community.
One argument which has been attempted against its historicity has been that there are ancient accounts of floods to be found among other peoples; however, rather than discounting the reality of the Flood I view this as corroborative.
God in His will through history had into reality seemingly illogical or cruel events to happen in our world, but no one is spared if the purpose is for the good of humanity, wars pestilence even the holocust has a reason and purpose beyond our comprehension at our times but will be reveald in the future, The Phillipine catasthrophy for example is viewed by some as Gods punishment, we experienced the brunt of natures punishing power but it also unveiled the true feelings and concern of the whole world in helping us materially and spiiritually by aiding and consoling us that was unprecedented in history, The whole world had demostrated, to me, a kind of humanitarian concern and love that trancends races and culture, A kind of demonstration by higher being the we humans is one with Him.The cost of human lives and misery is nothing in history compared to its positve historical consequences
If objectivity were a reality in theological circles, Bonhoeffer's view could conceivably serve as a basis for an ecumenical «happening» between the institutional idea found in Roman Catholicism and the «called out» emphasis of Protestantism.
Whether primitive or sophisticated, however, the way of identity views reality as monolithic.
Process thought is usually defined in one of three ways: (1) as any view of reality that is dynamic and relational and based on the findings of modern science, (2) identified with «the Chicago School,» the University of Chicago Divinity School, both in its earlier phase of applying evolutionary theory to historical research, seeing religion as a dynamic movement that reconstitutes itself in response to felt needs, as well as its later philosophical phase, and (3) synonymous with the philosophy of Whitehead and Hartshorne.
But since then I've been drawn back again and again by her unique point of view, as exhibited in posts like «Growing Into Authority,» «10 Reasons Rural Ministry is Great,» and «The Reality of Rural Poverty,» I've even been reading her series on Reformed Theology!
When we have become intellectually mature enough to give up childish notions of divine intrusions and rescue expeditions, even with respect to Jesus himself (about whom we speak in the next chapter), and to trust in God who is revealing the divine self as actively energizing within the world, we shall be able to have a more soundly based and more credible view of the divine reality.
The major importance of Hartshorne's work in my view» is the way in which his dipolar panentheism indicates the possibility of a concept of God which allows believers to speak of him as an individual, personal reality and significantly to use active verbs of him — like love, create, know, respond — without denying anything that properly belongs to his ultimacy and worshipfulness and without falling into self - contradiction.
From this point of view I must start off with the 1 / 10th second A and the 1 / 10th second B as the basic realities.
In contrast to people in biblical times «modern man acknowledges as reality only such phenomena or events as are comprehensible within the framework of the rational order of the universe... the thinking of modem men is really shaped by the scientific world - view, and.
Usually, we take our ordinary time as the basic reality or the essence, but it might be in the fundamental view that the various kinds of time are all put on the same footing of interrelationship.
(1) Whitehead might assimilate appearance to reality for systematic reasons, because he is taking a point of view in relation to perception which includes both the datum perceived as it is in itself (its formal reality) and the way it appears to the perceiver (its objective reality).
lol — funny that include any kind of religion as reality; with respect to metaphysics, I view religion as the hunchbacked assistant to the mad scientist..
Furthermore, despite the emphasis by such theologians as Augustine, Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and Reinhold Niebuhr (with whom Schlesinger enjoyed a personal association) on the need to distinguish between divine and human authority, it is a gross distortion of all of their views for Schlesinger to impute to them the kind of relativism which makes the existence of God and the reality of revelation (the basis of all western religious traditions) so utterly irrelevant for public life.
That is, they have set aside the traditional understanding of God as a unique spiritual substance in which all three persons somehow share and have moved to a more contemporary understanding of God as an interpersonal process or a community of three coequal persons.1 In effect, they have abandoned the Aristotelian world view in which individual substance was the first category of being and have accepted (even for the doctrine of God) a process understanding of reality.
From this point of view history can not be understood as a purely immanent development, for it is partially a product of an encounter with a primary reality which transcends culture and gives rise to it.
Reflection characteristically happens from the underside of society itself, or with a view to reality as experienced there, thus reinforcing theology's socio - critical character.
As Christians, Birch and Cobb believe that in many respects the Whiteheadian vision of reality is more compatible with biblical points of view than are other visions, Platonic for example, on which Christian in the past have relied.
Consequently, the system ideal, like the notion of personal identity sketched in (ii), is perhaps better viewed as a regulative principle guiding philosophical reflection than as a philosophical reality that we can appropriate and elucidate in the present.
Process thinkers should not at any rate be trapped into denying the reality of time from any actual point of view, for as that great process thinker Benjamin Franklin once pointed out, time is «the stuff life is made of
One way of viewing the religious crisis of our time is to see it not in the first instance as a challenge to the intellectual cogency of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, or other traditions, but as the gradual erosion, in an ever more complex and technological society, of the feeling of reciprocity with nature, organic interrelatedness with the human community, and sensitive attention to the processes of lived experience where the realities designated by religious symbols and assertions are actually to be found, if they are found at all.
Therefore, the diversity of world - views and words as legitimate attempts to understand and articulate reality is acknowledged and respected.
One of the best expressions of his views on the spaciness of mind is to be found in Reality as Social Process.
This is the view of the Trinity as immanent, the way in which God embodies the very nature of reality as relational or communal.
If your view is skewed from reality because of your religion, then how you treat them will not only be skewed, but unrealistic as well.
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