Sentences with phrase «view point if»

Again you have a misguided view point if you think I don't work for my client.
Perhaps, I would have had some respect for Ms Aitken's view point if she treated her own position (before she stepped aside) the same as she dictated to the real estate industry; that is — Why did she not post a news article that said her job was open to competition from others who may have better ideas or be more knowledgable and who may take on her job for less money.

Not exact matches

Say your spouse has a credit card with little or no balance and a great payment history; if he or she agrees to add you as an authorized user, from a credit score point of view you automatically benefit from her card's available credit as well as her payment history.
But our point of view is [that] we will sell more if we help people make purchasing decisions.»
«But if elements in that service start to improve, at some point that will reach your consciousness, and you start to reframe your view of a particular brand.
Instead, pick a few of the most important issues facing your customers and invest most, if not all, of your time developing content that offers unique, compelling points of view.
So next time you're facing a big decision and have formed an opinion, tell your folksm «Hey team, I'm willing to be argued out of this if anyone has another point of view
But, you might ask, if they don't want to be guided by best practices (or restricted by them, depending on your point of view), how do they want to be managed?
If you want people to respect you, you need to respect them back, and that includes listening to points of view that aren't in accord with your own.
If a specific task or process is causing problems, try to work alongside a disgruntled team member, to better understand the person's point of view.
Try to see your problems from someone else's point of view if an answer is not apparent.
«VATM would welcome it from the point of view of consumers if there is a strong competitor to Deutsche Telekom,» it said.
If you understand the objective of each part — from the interviewer's point of view — you can increase your chances of beating your competition.
In point of fact, QE is a tool that the Bank of Canada views as a legitimate instrument of monetary policy if the need should arise.
From an IPO point of view, we would always insist, and it's in our term sheets, that if a company does an IPO, it's going to be on the Nasdaq, not on the TSX.
If your sales material made that point clear, it would totally eliminate the risk from the customers» point of view.
If you want to license your ideas to these companies, you need to understand their point of view, their philosophy.
When someone disagrees with me, I listen to his or her point of view (Hint: If the answer is no or rarely, always start a disagreement with «What do you think?»
«What we've come to realize from a moral point of view, as well as from a very pragmatic business point of view, is if you put your employees first... then the clients get great experiences and the shareholders get great returns.
If you are in doubt as to whether you have a conflict, you must disclose and can not influence or take part in a decision, transaction, arrangement or otherwise in which you can be perceived to have an interest, direct or indirect; can not be seen to be impartial from an outsider point of view; or receive a benefit not shared by other shareholders.
If differences arise between employee points of view, work to resolve them.
However, not everyone else shares this point of view, so knowing who to joke with and when is important if you don't want to be the social hand grenade in the room.
If anything similar is the case at the Samsung factories, this implies that stricter limits on overtime would indeed be a bad thing, at least from the workers» point of view.
No matter if it is hardware (which many rumors are pointing to), a replacement UI for existing devices (which makes sense from a data capture point of view), an enhanced app (after all they are constantly iterating their mobile code base), or a mixture of all three, the key factor for Facebook here is to capture as much data as possible on Facebook users» mobile habits.
She adds that even the book's critics «are making a deep if inadvertent point: Only in women is success viewed as a barrier to giving advice.»
If you like what you see, click Shop Now, at which point you'll be redirected to a browser view, where you can add items to your cart and check out.
«When you trigger someone else into feeling hurt, bullied, abused, disrespected, etc., chances are they are going to oppose your point - of - view out of principle, even if it's a good idea.
Likewise, there's value in asking if you're missing anything after you lay out your own point - of - view,» writes Olds.
You can't make people feel like they belong if you don't have an appreciation for their struggles, experiences, or point of view.
If you start screaming at the screen because their views differ from your own, you've missed the point of the exercise.
Ideally, interview people who have been through the buying process — especially if that process is complex — so that you can understand the whole process from the customer point of view.
Naideck said SBA's move makes it look like the agency wants the sellers to act like financiers, but «from a seller's point of view, if they still have the risk of collecting the money, they'll think «Why should I sell it in the first place?»»
If you really want to fully appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of a point of view, articulate it.
Corporations are legally separate from their shareholders so it doesn't matter when an individual dies, it's not a taxable event from the point of view of the corporation and if there are undistributed profits those profits will remain untaxed.
If a virtual currency is to become widely used in nations, it will be one that governments can control, which would defeat the purpose of the virtual currency in the first place, from the point of view of their citizens.
A major signal for this view will be if the British / French agree to the building of the nuclear reactor at Hinkley Point in the U.K, Brexit be damned.
Now, from a «selfish» point of view, you will always end up with more money if you sell the crypto, pay the tax, and keep the rest.
So if potential is 3 or 3.5 % in the long run and 5 % in the short run and your actual growth is 2 %, this is a depression from my point of view.
Practically, what this means is that if you trade one crypto for another crypto (say BTC for XRP just to illustrate the point), the IRS views you as doing the following:
«If I were concerned about anything from a long - term housing market point of view it's the supply of housing in Toronto and Vancouver,» Evan Siddal, the head of the federal housing agency, the Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation, told Reuters.
If your sales material made that point clear, it would totally eliminate the risk from their point of view.
Here again, if you're looking at the funnel purely from a revenue point of view, or spending too much time focusing on transactions, the customer experience gets lost in the shuffle.
You can view your money at any point online or through the mobile app, and if you don't have readily available internet access you can call or use the mobile text banking service.
If this bull market has a long future ahead of it — which I strongly doubt, but which we do have to allow — there will likely be several appropriate points to establish a speculative position at controlled risk (speculative, because my view is that the long - term investment merit of stocks is quite weak here).
If, according to her, her «down syndrome» baby is god's gift, and is normal in God's point of view, then why do we see her hatred and vitriole, when she talks about the same god - created individuals, who are also normal, but in a bit different way?
I will no longer engage the biblical ignorance that emanates from so many right - wing Christians about how the Bible condemns homosexuality, as if that point of view still has any credibility.
However, if you view this from the Hebrew point of view, «teachings» are not «kept» or «broken» the same way.
If you really go down the list looking at every word and the heart behind it in light of scripture and in the light of the law of the Spirit of life you'll find major discrepancies and see how carnal, worldly and unbiblical those points of views really are... I'm concerned about the heart behind such views because it isn't one of a disciple (one who emulates their rabbi and is possessed by the «Holy» Spirit of God).
As to what «matters» that «count», wouldn't you agree that such a subjective question would only generate a subjective answer if I were to explain how these matters «count» according to my personal point of view?
It's just a shame that we haven't come to the point in society where it should be required that those who make decisions must meet certain, more highly regulated, fool proof, corruption resistant criteria proving their intellect and open mindedness as well as weeding out individuals with preconceived notions, racist, sexist or religiously or other discriminative views (even if they themselves don't believe they are discriminative in their beliefs... this happens more than many people realize) and overall ignorant minds.
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