Sentences with phrase «viewed as worker»

In top - down power structures, employees are viewed as worker bees and considered to be objects or expenses rather than assets; there is little concern for their happiness or well - being, since the motive for hiring them was purely productivity and profit.

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Though she never took an active role in running the superstore like her brothers, she's become the target of pushback from minimum - wage Walmart employees who view her highfalutin lifestyle as insensitive and ignorant to the plights of many workers.
Could similar resentment - busting measures at your business make burnout as rare as unicorns and fairies, or is this view of burnout only true for a select group of highly ambitious workers?
The result: all those tourists leaving pop cans and popcorn boxes all over the place were inevitably viewed as pains in the neck, as obstacles these workers faced in trying to get the job done.
Turkey views the Kurdish YPG as a terrorist organization and an extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has carried out a deadly, decades - long insurgency in Turkey's mainly Kurdish southeast.
On the whole, though, workers view that as a net benefit, says Ondrack, who recently conducted a study into attitudes to portable work tools sponsored by a telecommunications company.
Rather, she views it as another example of companies using contract workers as a way to skirt their obligations as an employers.
And certain workers and peasants - who had reason to resent the regime - were viewed as dangerous potential recruits to this fictional counter-revolution.
Germany views migrants as a way to solve a future dearth of young and able workers but many in Europe who oppose immigration are keen to point out that, as a prosperous country, Germany has the means to support more migrants.
Not paying a living wage lowers worker productivity and creates stress on employees who should be viewed «as human beings, not just workers,» and the practice, she says, «doesn't serve the company or its brand.»
After all, she said, Amazon won't benefit if its workers can't find places to live, or if they are viewed by existing residents as a hostile force.
from minimum - wage Walmart employees who view her highfalutin lifestyle as insensitive and ignorant to the plights of many workers.
That proposal was controversial because some critics view it as a way for tech companies to simply save money on labor costs by relying on lower - paid workers from overseas.
If Fed officials view it as a ceiling, as their statements sometimes suggest, they'll likely tighten monetary policy once they hit it even if they've been missing 2 percent for years and tightening means slowing job and wage growth that has eluded too many workers in recent recoveries.
In the eyes of the FTC, Uber erred beginning in 2014, when reports first surfaced that the ride - hailing company's workers had taken advantage of an internal tool, known as «God View,» which had allowed some employees to spy on the whereabouts of politicians, celebrities and others using its services.
We don't understand how some investors view this as economically different from the company selling shares into the market and using the proceeds to pay workers.
Consistent with Finance Minister Flaherty's view that there is no such thing as a «bad job», unemployed workers will no longer be allowed to hold out for a «good employer.»
«The committee were clear to point out that their decision is not based on your views but on your act of publicly posting those views such that it will have an effect on your ability to carry out a role as a social worker.
The first problem is one of attitude: even though owners are dependent on workers» labor, and the workers are dependent on the owners» capital and initiative, too often both sides view their relationship as adversarial.
Titled «The Basic Viewpoint and Policy on the Religious Question During Our Country's Socialist Period,» it reasserts the standard Marxist view of religion as a response to the human fear of the terrors of nature — a response manipulated by class societies to rationalize the power of the upper classes and justify the plight of workers and the poor.
For a peasant woman's child in occupied territory in an out - of - the - way corner of the Roman Empire to have become the man he did, attracting what looked like flash - in - the - pan attention during his brief years of ministry, unknown to most of his contemporaries and viewed as an upstart, a wonder - worker, or a fanatic by most of those who knew about him, dying a felon's death deserted by most of his close and trusted friends with the incredible rumor then circulated that he had risen again — what chance had he of any lasting fame?
In the God essay twenty - four years ago, Time noted that the image of God as a «wonder worker» was a discredited, if not paltry, view of the Deity.
However, the first workers in this field, such as Haldane and Fisher from the theoretical point of view, and biologists such as Timofeef - Ressovsky, Dubinin and others, in practical field investigations, were still thinking mainly in terms of individual genes.
Yet over all, the divinity school was known as a place sympathetic to the workers, as well as to a variety of points of view.
Workers in such industries are not only inadequately protected as regards health and safety, but they also do not enjoy security of employment in view of the tendency of such investors to move offshore to cut costs.
The staff members of most community mental health centers view the local parish clergyman as an ancillary mental health worker.
The writing gives several examples: workers snitching on each other in order to bury their own teammates, managers ranking their subordinates and pacts being formed in order to eliminate people viewed as threats.
Doula / Birth Worker Workshop 6 Contact Hours Join birth guru, midwife and NRP instructor, Karen Strange, as she fills your doula toolbox with memorable tidbits of knowledge that will change the way you view birth.
Viewing all sex workers as helpless victims takes away their right to self - determination and weakens their position in society.
If the Somali women in Shaffer's piece view working as instrumental, so does the neoliberal governmentality agenda, according to Elisabeth Olivius, who examines humanitarian aid workers in refugee camps in Thailand and Bangladesh.
«While we believe the state Legislature will view an increase to more than $ 13 as a non-starter, we will continue to push for the aggressive proposal the governor outlined last month that also accounts for the higher cost of living that workers experience in New York City.»
How much more constructive and politically astute if he had faithfully represented the views of Labour voters (and almost certainly his own personal preference) as a step towards a democratically elected Labour government that would have been the best protector of workers» rights.
Not only does it demonstrate a lack understanding of the diversity of sex workers, but it's also based on a conservative, heteronormative view of gender which casts women as passive victims and men as aggressors.
Espada is reportedly pushing for a joint statement with Sampson on the farm workers bill — and perhaps also on a package of housing bills that housing advocates dislike because they view them as too pro-landlord — but some people around the Brooklyn lawmaker worry it will look too much like he's (yet again) getting worked over by the wily majority leader and are balking.
In the summer, and as Cuomo's feud with liberal New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio erupted into public view, Cuomo convened a wage board at the Department of Labor to study a minimum wage hike for workers in the fast - food industry.
While we believe the State Legislature will view an increase to more than $ 13 as a non-starter, we will continue to push for the aggressive proposal the Governor outlined last month that also accounts for the higher cost of living that workers experience in New York City,» Ms. DeRosa said.
«While we believe the State Legislature will view an increase to more than $ 13 as a non-starter, we will continue to push for the aggressive proposal the Governor outlined last month that also accounts for the higher cost of living that workers experience in New York City,» DeRosa said in a statement.
In his words: «In view of what you have done so far in Cross River State since your assumption of office on May 29, 2015 in the area of socio - economic, political and manpower development as attested by many, and in view of your workers friendly posture, we the workers of Cross River State have viewed critically the options open to us and our future, and have agreed on this day to massively support your second term in office.
Londoners have given their views on a Tube workers» strike as they prepare for a reduced service on the London Underground.
«We view this request to suspend the current strike as an earnest effort on behalf of the city, its children and its workers
Among the key reasons cited by the Assembly and the ECA for adopting a June primary date are that, in their view: an August primary would result in reduced turnout because many voters vacation during that month; identifying and training sufficient poll workers would be very difficult during a prime vacation period; schools, which are often used as poll sites, are frequently closed and unstaffed during the summer; and that, given the myriad tasks that must be completed to prepare and transmit ballots, as well as the inevitable delays caused by administrative challenges, machine malfunctions and counting of paper ballots, setting a June date would ensure better compliance with UOCAVA's 45 - day ballot transmission requirement.
I remember viewing the 1980 presidential election as a contest between an incumbent, Jimmy Carter, who had been thoroughly mediocre in the job and a challenger, Ronald Reagan, whose actions as Governor of California had left me with an aversion for him even before he launched his White House campaign in the Mississippi town primarily known as the place where white racists had killed three civil - rights workers in 1964.
Experts view productivity as the most important driver of an economy — given it measures the ability to get more from the same number of workers.
Robert Howarth, a biogeochemist at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, says that it is possible that workers at the sites were especially conscientious about controlling emissions during the researchers» monitoring, and that he views the results as a best - case scenario.
Employers tend to invest money, benefits and more in employees they view as hard workers.
The current lack of adequately staffed HR departments, and companies» refusal to teach workers on the job, have combined to produce what the book terms «a Home Depot view of the hiring process, in which filling a job vacancy is seen as akin to replacing a part in a washing machine.
«I think that if fathers were able to do this without the fear of being viewed as less committed workers, they would assume greater responsibility at home, which would lead to greater gender equality.»
Well, I work in the Mental Health field as a License Master Social Worker and on a... View Post
Lee tends to shoot straight from the hip, and I tend to be more thoughtful and write from a therapeutic point - of - view because of my background as a licensed clinical social worker
Susan Wloszczyna: As an ardent admirer of Chilean filmmaker Sebastian Lelio's Gloria, about a mousy 50 - ish divorcee and office worker who yearns for romance but only on her own terms, it was no surprise that his A Fantastic Woman similarly managed to take my breath away while viewing the world through female eyes.
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