Sentences with phrase «viewed by a potential employer»

This record can be viewed by potential employers, future landlords, banks, lenders, and schools.
Job boards like Simply Hired provide an online parking spot for your resume to be viewed by potential employers.
A recent poll of Resume Solutions student clients showed that over 60 % of the respondents were unaware that their profiles on social networking websites could be viewed by potential employers.
Depending on your field, you may also want to include a link to your Twitter account; if you do so, make sure that your account is professional and appropriate for viewing by potential employers.
This means tasteful and interesting posts online; reviewing your account settings to avoid any involuntary photo tagging or postings being viewed by potential employers that may not be consistent with our brand image.
Present yourself positively and improve the way you are viewed by potential employers.

Not exact matches

«You could view the results we found as an extension of this to an economic context, whereby deliberate lowering of voice pitch in a sex - atypical manner by women through vocal fry results in negative perceptions by potential employers
Because of this your credit score is now viewed by insurance companies to determine rates, landlords to determine if you will be a good tenant and even potential employers when you apply for a job.
This powerful number doesn't stop there; it is also viewed by insurance companies to determine policy rates and potential employers - if part of your duties involve handling finances.
Enter Law Clerk Connection, where unemployed lawyers and law students pay a small membership fee to upload a profile to the site and view jobs posted by potential employers.
By presenting yourself positively online, you are making yourself available to new opportunities that are not available anywhere else — you can seek out opportunities with employers and recruiters can identify you as a potential candidate, just by viewing your profilBy presenting yourself positively online, you are making yourself available to new opportunities that are not available anywhere else — you can seek out opportunities with employers and recruiters can identify you as a potential candidate, just by viewing your profilby viewing your profile.
Think before you type, and make sure what you're saying is valuable, adds to the conversation, and would be viewed positively by potential employers and networking contacts.
I was able to land a job and have also increased my potential employer views on Monster by 300 %.
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