Sentences with phrase «viewers wondering where»

Liotta has some affecting moments as Fred; Paul Reubens steals his scenes as Jung's flamboyant friend and cohort Derek Foreal; and Spanish actor Jordi Molla will leave viewers wondering where he came from with his charismatic turn as Diego, the man who introduces Jung to cocaine.
«Controfigura» leaves the viewer wondering where the film starts and ends, or whether it ever ends at all.

Not exact matches

Just maybe the best made - for - TV convention is the one where viewers are left wondering how the hell it's all going to end.
And don't put up a profile picture of yourself with three other friends where the viewer wonders which one is you.
Enduring this harrowingly derivative tale, viewers will wonder where the filmmakers» minds were.
A viewer can't help but wonder where it goes from here.
What benefits Marshland greatly, are the two excellent central performances from Javier Gutiérrez and Raúl Alévaro whose very different ideologies lead to a suspicion of each other which lends the film another level of intrigue where, as a viewer, you're left constantly wondering what the next piece of the puzzle will reveal.
The best sequence, a lovely meeting where Arlo and Spot use sticks to pantomime their devastating histories, makes a viewer wonder if «The Good Dinosaur» might have been better first - half - of - «Wall - E» - style, with no dialogue at all.
With this ambitious new environment, Hancock comes full circle, merging his own backstory with his created mythology in a carnival-esque space where viewers can revel in spectacle, get lost in childlike wonder, and learn to believe — while simultaneously contemplating how we build and share faith, mythology, information, and community.
Generally broken down into the following categories: Love, Valor, Grief, Humor, Wonder, Fear, Revulsion, Anger, Tranquility; works are created and presented utilizing a coded system where specific colors and symbols represent and evoke these particular feelings within the viewer.
With the spontaneity of a screen grab, each work captures and freezes just a fragment of what one instinctively senses is an infinitely greater whole, allowing the viewer a brief glimpse of the endless complexity of our existence, bringing us up short and forcing us to question and wonder who we are, where we fit in and where we are going.
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