Sentences with phrase «views of any particular group»

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In 2012, David Puttnam, Ireland's then Digital Champion, wrote in Views of the Future, Dangers and Opportunities that: «Learning is no longer something that needs to happen within particular hours, in a particular place, or even with a particular group of people.»
A group of scientists from Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz in Germany recently found that they were able to identify what kind of films a group of subjects viewed — whether it was funny, sad or suspenseful — based on the different combinations of chemicals, or peaks of one in particular, such as carbon dioxide, that were found in the air in the theater.
Click on one of the Circles you created to view all of the Gmail messages you've received from individuals in that particular group.
A particular group of managers who constantly update their view on the best macro opportunities are known as ETF strategists — they use index ETFs to create a global stock and bond portfolio.
They are a group of people dedicated to promoting and disseminating a particular view — they have tenets to which they adhere and seek to influence the opinions of others in order to effect changes in society.
For example, as the result of law suits instituted by public - interest groups, the courts held that whenever broadcasters present a particular point of view on a matter of public importance, they also must provide opportunities for opposing viewpoints to be presented.
It comes from a particular vocal group of naturalists on one side and a much smaller but equally noisy lot of creationists on the other, both of whom have increasingly been declaring their respective philosophical views not merely to be true but to be true in a specifically scientific sense.
Although ghetto and other poor people are being served by many centers (one condition is that they must give help to anyone within a certain geographic area), minority groups in particular have often viewed such services as being offered by an alien «university whitey» who, in their opinion, fails to consult them about the kinds of services they need.
A calculating sort of operator, able to speak for many interest groups by carefully avoiding any over-committal to a particular point of view.
[7] Themes emerging from focus group conversations corroborated the findings of the national survey, but yielded particular insights into how the public views different technologies.
While the movie does all of its characters the favor of not condescending to them or their perspectives — a Bible Study group that might have been played for snickers is accorded, at the very least, a neutral view — its strategy of withholding both particular characters and information about their actions (the mine supervisor played by Josh Lucas doesn't show up until a half hour or so into the picture), while perhaps looking attractively, insinuatingly oblique on paper, has on the screen the general effect of blunting potential emotional impact.
From the legislator's point of view, this makes perfect sense: legislation was enacted and programs created with the intent of targeting a particular group or solving a particular problem.
The Three Rivers Learning Trust does not have to promote or teach any particular belief, view or way of life that contradicts our outlook or ethos; however, we will not promote discrimination, or accept intolerance against people or groups, on the basis of their belief, opinion or background.
Schools should have guidelines for use of materials provided by special - interest groups or by businesses that have a financial interest in advancing a particular point of view.
Others believe that «culture follows policy,» meaning official policies transform both how a particular group of people views the world and the group's values and traditions.
The Café Conversation strategy helps students practice perspective - taking by requiring them to represent a particular point of view in a small - group discussion.
No, I expect the anti-Blaine groups to continue looking for a case with facts supporting their point of view — that is, a case involving an application of a Blaine Amendment in a way that appears to discriminate against a particular religious tradition, denomination or practice.
In particular, this study examined data collected from one group of preservice teachers to determine how they viewed the TI - 83 handheld device and how they used the handheld technology in their social studies teaching.
This was followed up by a dip in the spa's waterfall pool and then a long afternoon resting at the spa's exclusive rooftop pool with panoramic views of the property (and on our particular visit, a Tim Tebow frolicking in the pool with a group of friends).
There are other important questions about the path forward, related to how to handle reasoned minority views on particular science and policy questions, how to deal speedily with errors and how to break down barriers among the three main «working groups» — on the basic science pointing to warming, the range of impacts and possible responses.
This particular group of students does not live and breathe re the attribution of global warming, although I imagine that most of them would pretty much subscribe to the RC view of the overall issue (and they pretty much ignore paleo stuff).
Fully reporting differences of judgment within working group chapters, including identifying specific views with particular experts;
With a view to ensure that mitigation ambition under the DP is closely linked to work of parties under the two other groups - namely LCA and KP, we would like to propose the inclusion of the following footnote in the agenda: The implementation of Decision 1 / CP.17 should be examined on the basis of its compliance with International Law, in accordance with the principle of pacta sunt servanda and, in particular, with the exception on non-performance related to the full respect and compliance with the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol, for the Parties that are Parties of those instruments.
We used both Lexis & Westlaw within each assessment group to try to get a merged view of the technology type that wasn't overly colored by the idiosyncrasies that the particular design of a tool might bring.
In some cases, for example, government action may seek to compel the promotion of a particular norm — such as acceptance of others — that may be contrary to the deeply held views of an individual or group.
In my view General Recommendation XIV makes it clear that where differential treatment on the basis of race addresses the disadvantage suffered by a particular racial group as a result of discriminatory practices or where the cultural identity of a particular racial group is recognised and protected by differential treatment, such beneficial measures will not constitute discrimination within the Convention.
Chand Child and Family Social Work, 10 (2), 2005 View Abstract Considers research on family support services for ethnic minority families, including an overview of what is known about family support services for particular minority ethnic groups and the qualities sought in social workers by ethnic minority parents.
In light of this need, members of the Working Group felt that it was imperative to expand the Working Group's focus to deal not only with the lawyer's relationship with mortgage lenders but their relationship with consumer clients and other entities involved in a real estate transaction, with a particular view to reinforcing and re-establishing the lawyer as a real estate professional and «quarter back» of the transaction.
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