Sentences with phrase «views of the majority»

Are these laws the standard, peer reviewed, and generally accepted views of the majority of scientists?
And they would have been more in tune with the actual views of the majority.
The prevailing view of the majority, however, was that the state's formal authority to consolidate school districts was irrelevant.
About four in 10 Americans have an unfavorable view of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (44 %) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (36 %).
Enjoy the incredible panoramic views of the majority of Costa Rica including both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts!
Bennett says that «for anyone who might not share the political views of the majority, the opposite is true: the nearer government is to us, the more it can intrude in our lives and interfere with our liberty.»
But from the point of view of the majority of the union's experienced bargaining team, having regard to everything that had occurred to that point, including almost a month out on strike, these changes represented a reasonable outcome, all things considered.
«There are people in senior roles in the two provincial parties who are not completely in tune with the views of the majority of free enterprise Albertans who want one party,» says Kenney, calling them «grasstop party activists.»
The view of the majority of scholars is that both Matthew and Luke used Mark's gospel, as well as some other material known to both of them, which scholars often call «Q», from the German word «quelle», which means «source».
A paper that thinks hermaphrodite rights one of the important questions of our time, a paper that editorially endorses the worship of the great nature goddess Gaia, a paper that advocates the demonstration of condoms to fourth graders in public school, a paper that condemns as religious fanatics those who favor the protection of the unborn, a paper that derides as extremist the views of a majority of Americans and of two Presidents they elected, this is simply not a serious paper.
Apparently none reflects the views of a majority.
Why is that the media focuses on the EXTREMES and not the views of the majority of us?
However, if we are serious about recognizing that we should not expect all communities to share our own moral judgments, we will not absolutize the views of the majority.
^ Robert M. Price (a Christian atheist who denies the existence of Jesus) agrees that this perspective runs against the views of the majority of scholars: Robert M. Price «Jesus at the Vanishing Point» in The Historical Jesus: Five Views edited by James K. Beilby & Paul Rhodes Eddy, 2009 InterVarsity, ISBN 028106329X page 61
Robert M. Price (an atheist who denies existence) agrees that this perspective runs against the views of the majority of scholars: Robert M. Price «Jesus at the Vanishing Point» in The Historical Jesus: Five Views edited by James K. Beilby & Paul Rhodes Eddy, 2009 InterVarsity, ISBN 028106329X page 61
If atheist scientists say something, even if it is the view of the majority of people in that science, it should be ignored.
Thus Paul VI was aware that the ban not only did not reflect the «sense of the faithful,» but also did not reflect the view of the majority of his own experts.
Is this your own opinion or is this the view of the majority of supporters?
I am sure this is the view of the majority of people who have stumbled across this site via NewsNow and thought they would give it a peek.
some people have such a messed up view of the majority of stay at home moms!
Populism enforces the view of the majority and often infringes on the fundamental rights of minorities.
Why should we have a PLP which is so far away from the views of the majority of the party members?
It says a lot about Boris's priorities that his last act as Mayor of London is to betray this great city by turning his back on the needs of the City of London and the views of the majority of Londoners.
Balls insisted his silence until 3.30 pm was because he had been in a meeting on dyslexia with the former Happy Days star Henry Winkler, as he dismissed the letter as «noises off» which failed to reflect the views of the majority of the party, both inside and outside parliament.
«It is... in the nature of the protection of fundamental rights and the rule of law that sometimes minority interests have to be secured against the view of the majority,» he insisted.
But beyond everything else, observers say Republicans will have to shadow the new Town Board in 2018 and find where it is not representing the view of a majority of residents.
«The mayor and the speaker both know better than to think this inappropriate stunt represents the views of the majority of police officers and their families.»
At the now - daily marches and rallies throughout New York, slogans against «Governor 1 %» have framed a stark contrast between the governor's position on the Millionaire's Tax and the views of the majority of his constituents.
With such procedures in place any government will know it can not impose legislation on England without taking full account of the views of a majority of MPs from England.
It's guaranteed to raise the paranoia levels of conspiracy theorists to breaking point, but it also offers an interesting counter to the views of the majority who buy into the convenience of modern day life without thought for where our increasing reliance on computerized everything could lead us!
# 45, Proper reasoning with the preponderence of evidence at hand would logically lead you with the point of view of the majority, if something is causing hesitation, then its information worth to share.
If you challenge politicians or public figures on climate policy you will hear the answer that it is the view of the majority of scientists.
The contradiction between the views of the majority of individual judges and the outcome of the case calls for clarification by the Grand Chamber.
Exceptional Case Funding and Merits Test: the Court of Appeal judgment — covered in our last legal aid news update here — was summarised by Legal Aid Handbook, which did not find the views of the majority wholly persuasive.
Finally, lying behind much of the above is an implicit majoritarian position: minorities should bow to the views of the majority.
To go any further, in the view of the majority, the courts would be creating a «new» crime, which is not within the judicial function.
Note: I do not believe these perspectives reflect the views of the majority of lawyers, but they get an awful lot of air - time at the events at which I speak.
This is a stark contrast to both the voting record and views of the majority of Rhode Islanders.
I'm just another voice in the wilderness that accurately reflects the views of the majority of the public at large from the inside of both camps.
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