Sentences with phrase «views on anyone»

It won't be imposing his views on anyone, just there to remind people like me that he exists.
Just like I would never force my views on anyone else, I would hope to receive that same kind of respect from others.
I don't think anyone should force their religious (or antireligious) views on anyone.
How about we all believe in what feel right to us personally and stop pushing our views on anyone else.
Besides, I'm not physically forcing my views on anyone... unlike the millions of killed aborted babies, you can choose whatever you want to do in life... whether if it is good or evil.
@GauisCaesar, I am not imposing my views on anyone and not denying civil rights to anyone through the political process.
However, I don't wish to force this view on anyone

Not exact matches

Obama's veto didn't come as a surprise to anyone who has listened to the president discuss his views on climate change.
Anyone who has spent a day in Mountain View, Calif., in the past few years has probably spotted a Lexus SUV driving around town that is equipped with Google self - driving tech spinning on its roof.
The author had a right to express their views on those topics — we encourage an environment in which people can do this and it remains our policy to not take action against anyone for prompting these discussions.
The fact that some Facebooker would place their personal grudge and views above the interests of the company fills anyone on the home team with horror (in the same way that the current administration colluding with foreigners to secure a domestic victory does Americans).
Though it's anyone's guess how the data might influence the Fed's thinking about the pace of rate hikes, the contrasting views of policymakers suggest that now may be time for investors to model the impact of the three scenarios on their portfolios.
The views on this website do not reflect anyone's views but my own and perhaps my dogs.
Does anyone else have a view on this?
Anyone who doubts this need only consider the rhetoric used to attack the University of Alberta's plan to award an honorary degree to renowned biologist and environmentalist David Suzuki, whose views on oilsands extraction have literally been characterized on social media as treasonous and terroristic in the past few days.
For anyone who is interested in understanding my views on the global economic crisis, this is the video I would recommend watching, if I could only recommend one.
Does anyone else see the humor in the creationists debating their point of view over the Internet (invented by science), filmed on cameras (based on science) in a hall lit by electricity (harnessed by science).
Your NOT changing anyones views on creation.
While we view all who profess to be Christian - Protestant and Catholic and Orthodox - with charity and hope, our confidence that anyone is truly a brother or sister in Christ depends not only on the content of his or her confession but on our perceiving signs of regeneration in his or her life.
However, if we view this as a ritualized form of prayer, then anyone and everyone who prays for those who are past on is a good thing... Right?
Nobody has the right to impose a particular view of life on anyone else.
The churches have been reticent to impose their views on others» the Catholic bishops have not even suggested making contraception illegal» and quick to extend their services to anyone who needs them.
Does anyone have the slightest interest in hearing the Chard's views on this issue YET AGAIN?
There are dramatically different views on how the Bush administration has handled, or mishandled, that primacy but — moments of crisis, tomorrow's polls, and this year's election campaigns notwithstanding — American preeminence, with all the problems attending American preeminence, is a fact of life for as far as anyone can see into the future.
The Nazi program could be made to seem justifiable, even humane, if presented as the elimination of lives not on the basis that they were of no use to anyone else (though that was clearly the Nazi view of the matter) but on the basis that they were of no use to themselves.
It is a known fact that demons also enter persons via generational curses and if anyone disputing this, get on a plain to Africa and you can have a front seat viewing this.
One problem I do have it, just as I have no right to tell people or enforce my views on people, neither does anyone else.
McGrath concludes that «Dawkins» views on the nature of faith are best regarded as an embarrassment to anyone concerned with scholarly accuracy.»
Don't play into the hands of the enemy: Arguing about Tim Farron's views on homosexuality doesn't help anyone, says Ruth Smith More
The conceit hinges on the fact that one can not listen clearly to anyone else's view.
Anyone who quarrels, on whatever grounds, with the possibility of investigating such all - embracing world views is brought up short.
He is a photographer interested in artifacts of belief and he has a point of view that he's as entitled to share as anyone CNN brings on here.
Look at this blog from a biker's point of view (I ride a Harley to bike rallies and hang with some Boozefighters so I'm not picking on anyone here).
Restricting women, or anyone else, based on some view of divine sanction, is unjust.
However... what it has become is a corrupt mishmash of mens» laws... not Jesus Christ's... on subjects that do not concern them with no room for discussion or equal time for anyone EXCEPT the views of those same men who are unyielding to their own self - made laws.
Hausman had taken a more standard line on Bergson, although in the dialogue below it will be clear that Hausman is pondering in a preliminary way the very questions he has answered above.1 It must be clear to anyone who has read Hausman's paper above that his view regarding Bergson has now changed, and I think greatly to his credit, and to Gunter's.
Sherburne assumes that common sense or science overwhelmingly supports the view that there can be no «action at a distance» and hence thinks that the burden of proof rests on anyone who would assert this to be possible.
Anyone can share her or his views about the matter on Facebook.
The ornate old Bible that had been sitting in plain view on a table near the last row of pews for longer than anyone could remember is an original King James Bible - one of perhaps 200 surviving 400 - year - old original editions of arguably the most important book ever printed in English.
Please don't listen to these people on here they have so many different views and ideas of their own but don't listen to them they have closed their heart to God and are doing Satans work of misleading people away from the Almighty they look for men who like to have their ears tickled so don't take mine our anyone else's word for it look it up for your self history attests to the bible as true and The writings of Moses is far older than anything they have ever found thats right Moses wrote the first parts in the bible 3,500 years ago The scriptures weren't inspired by Pagan stories Pagan stories was inspired by actual events just like those in the bible because if you notice that a lot of the stories found in the bible have a lot to do about people worshipping false Gods.
I take a more pragmatic approach to this issue (and btw, I am a Christian), because I doubt anyone on here posting will change there views based on someone elses post.
in case you haven't figured it out yet, let's be mildly elementary in our reasoning... CNN needs traffic on their website and posting things that get people going (like this) accomplishes that... since when was anyone swayed in their world view by an internet comment?
Of course their views on scripture are as fallible as anyone elses.
Such reasons certainly reflect a classical Western view of the social contract, and those who don't give a damn about anyone but themselves can skip this section and go on to the next.
The churches have been reticent to impose their views on others - the Catholic bishops have not even suggested making contraception illegal - and quick to extend their services to anyone who needs them.
He's not imposing his views or beliefs on anyone by speaking at a church... other than people who wanted to be there.
I find nothing wrong with anyone expressing their views on a particular issue.
We shouldn't force our views on marriage or evolution on anyone else.
What is your view on how «most» atheists comprehend how anyone could end up believing in a religion, if not through childhood indoctrination?
Carl, in one of this thoughtful threadifications below, cautions me to be clear that, in thinking through what Alexander Stephens might have meant, not to confuse anyone on my views of slavery and scientific racism.
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