Sentences with phrase «views on politics»

Former Fulbrighter to Guatemala, El Salvador, Shares his views on Politics.
About Blog - Southeast Asia's leading independent source of regional news and views on politics, business, culture, technology, sports and travel.
It used to be a complete no - no to talk to strangers about your views on politics, religion, and sex, for example, or to use foul language.
Shot in 16 mm in colours or black and white, the films are a visual diary of the artist's private life, travels, views on politics as well as his creative process — in particular his experimentation on colours.
About Blog - Southeast Asia's leading independent source of regional news and views on politics, business, culture, technology, sports and travel.
I prefer someone with more conservative views on politics and does have a belief in God...
But despite serving for 50 years as a director of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island, considered a world leader in research into cancer and genetics, Dr Watson has frequently courted controversy with some of his views on politics, sexuality and race.
It's fair to say I haven't always been the biggest fan of the Church of England's views on politics and economics.
Preet's personal views on politics are beside the point.
Naturally, Cuomo's views on politics were also asked, and the governor expanded on his go - to line about the candidacies of Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer for mayor and city comptroller.
Another brilliant mind from the world of celluloid fantasies shares her views on politics, and it turns out to be worthless tripe.
You shouldn't have a view on politics
Everybody can have a view on politics.
His written account of the weather dynamics was fascinating, his view on the politics were perceptive.

Not exact matches

The clip became a viral video hit, earning a five - star rating on YouTube and a place as the top - viewed News and Politics video.
But the Israeli government remains defiant about maintaining its freedom of action to make war on Iran, and it is counting on the influence of right - wing extremist views in U.S. politics to bring pressure to bear on Obama to fall into line with a possible Israeli attack during the election campaign this fall....
Politics are shaping the views of millionaires on the economy and the financial markets, according to the results of the CNBC Millionaire's Survey.
CNBC's Robert Frank reveals the results of CNBC's survey on how the wealthy view the economy, markets and politics.
Yes, that's nearly 20 points behind Clinton, but for a candidate with views that are on the fringe of American politics, it is remarkable.
In Dr. Cordesman's view, politics in the US has become so polarized that people are judging the National Security Strategy on the extremes of the document rather than its overall tone and meaning.
He was the inventor of successful products like bifocal glasses, the lightning rod and the Franklin stove (among others) as well as a media magnate where he published several newspapers and his popular Poor Richard's Almanac, in which Franklin used a fictional character to share his own views on topics like politics and philosophy.
Our views on partisan politics and a broad range of sociopolitical issues tend to be quite polarized.
His views on global politics and economics have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Time, Foreign Policy and Fortune.
A Columbia University expert who has spent two years researching politics - related activity on social media said people prone to extremist views are feeding the cyberspace debate.
Bazan has been no stranger to controversy; his lyrics and personal views on faith and politics have put him at odds with the Christian music industry that birthed him.
Quite apart from conflicting views on the merits of the question at hand, there appears to be increasing opposition to the judicial usurpation of politics, of which the California court's decision is an egregious instance.
The theological obtuseness of the Roman court theologians (Cajetan partly excepted), the inability or unwillingness of the Roman authorities to appropriate their own best ecclesiological traditions, and the unlovely influence of financial politics on the handling of the doctrinal issues all played a considerable role, as did Luther's impatience and anger, his inability to take stupid and inappropriate papal teaching at all calmly (perhaps because his own early view of the papal office was unrealistically high), as well as his tendency to dramatize his own situation in apocalyptic terms.
Politics becomes a way of ensuring your interests, and your spiritual worldview can't be separated from your political point of view on the issues;
She blogs about her personal views on faith, feminism, and politics, at
She insists on an essentially theological view of the world as the only appropriate starting point for effective radical politics — the only way to maintain a right understanding of what we are about and to avoid partisanship in our efforts to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.
The speakers had a variety of views, but the consensus on the panel was that an alliance is indeed forming on social and cultural issues, specifically gender and sexuality, and that this alliance will have a serious influence on domestic and global politics.
One might even suggest that world - view thinking on the Evangelical side, especially its wedding of politics with divine law to create a city on a hill, reveals a hand tilted toward the creational mandate.
The natural tendencies are, on the one hand, toward a world - denying spirituality that views religion and politics as absolutely irrelevant to each other, or, on the other hand, toward an accommodationist stance that uses one to «legitimize» the other.
The MP, whose views on homosexuality drew intense scrutiny during the spring of this year, said he did not think he had personally been marginalised as a Christian in politics.
Well can tell you that those are hard working people in a difficult and hard enviroments only to achieve their daily needs for bread and water and not concerned with politics or imposing their views on others.
So as we wave flags on the Queen's birthday, get stuck into politics, cheer our country onto rare sporting victories and feel our hearts swell as we survey our favourite view, there is no need for guilt.
The incoherence within the technocratic view of political life is that it simultaneously denies a politics based on the love of honor but showers honor upon those who claim a greater share of reason.
He has a take on angels, Satan, and demons which I have never heard before, and which seems to fit the biblical text in a way that, if true, would cause me to read much of Scripture in a whole different way, and which would cause me to view life, and governments, and cities, and politics, and animals, and plants and pretty much everything in a whole new way also.
The view that a good politics requires a detailed, preexisting consensus on values is as unwarranted as the notion that economics alone drives politics.
I too have hesitated before being honest about my views on gender, politics, and homosexuality for fear of repercussions.
Ed: In the past Catholic candidates have tended — particularly if we go back to J.F.K and others — to downplay the impact of their Catholicism on their views, on their politics, and how they would govern.
Here is my view on Christianity and politics.
Just as Buber's understanding of law goes hand in hand with his philosophy of language, so Buber's emphasis on transformation through dialogue marks his views of culture and politics, both in Germany before the Holocaust and in Israel after it.
But frequently it is done in a muted and nervous tone, in part because bishops do not want to be viewed as «controversial,» and in part because they are intimidated by the USCC legal counsel, which is embarrassingly timid about IRS regulations regarding anything that touches on electoral politics.
Neither of the 1984 presidential candidates (Reagan vs. Mondale) has fully understood the complexity of the other's views on the religion - in - politics issue.
Neither of the 1984 presidential candidates has fully understood the complexity of the other's views on the religion - in - politics issue.
But why should the Christian view of politics focus on accommodating rather than transcending and transforming this venality?
I genuinely was interested in this subject because of late it has somewhat been playing on my mind and so sought to discover the truth on the matter and so sought out discussions and literature by christian writers that I might examine their different stances on the issue and try to find a moral cross-section as I think is appropriate for all questions since the ranging views are like politics ranging from far left wing to far right wing views.
Despite calling the idea that we can know what the Founders really thought on religious issues «an illusion,» Kramnick and Moore criticize those who view the U.S. as a Christian state: «The principal framers of the American political system wanted no religious parties in national politics.
Had these factors been recognized previously, their impact on American politics may have been viewed in a more realistic light.
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