Sentences with phrase «violate accepted standards»

When health care falls short, and our trusted professionals violate the accepted standards of medical practice, traumatic injuries, even death, can be the result.
He said the teenager when arrested would be used as «scapegoat» to deter others from indulging in acts that violate accepted standards of behaviour.
Mr. George H. Pruette, Jr. (Director of Public Affairs, Advertising, for General Motors) says that «General Motors believes that positioning our advertisements in an environment of exploitative sex and gratuitous violence which violate the accepted standards of a community is not in the best interests of either the Corporation or to the sale of its products.»
In a medical malpractice case, a medical expert may be used to review the level of treatment the patient received and explain to the jury how the doctor or healthcare professional violated the accepted standard of care of the medical profession.

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The state board finds that a school has failed to adhere to terms of its charter, has failed to comply with generally accepted standards of fiscal management, or has violated applicable laws, or finds evidence that the continued operation of the school would be contrary to the best interests of the students or the community.
Using any standardized achievement test for a purpose for which it was not designed violates nationally - accepted standards of the testing profession, of the state of Illinois and the U. S. Department of Education, and the guidelines of the test makers themselves (see Attachment 2 — PURE Fact Sheet: «Testing professionals oppose use of standardized test scores as sole or primary measures in high - stakes decisions»).
Using any standardized achievement test for a purpose for which it was not designed violates nationally - accepted standards of the testing profession, of the state of Illinois and the U. S. Department of Education, and the guidelines of the test makers themselves -LRB-
To establish that accepted standard in court, usually you must have an expert medical witness testify about the standard of care that was violated in your case.
Consistent with recent research, 6 the social development model hypothesizes that strong bonds to school serve as a protective factor against behaviors that violate socially accepted standards.
The Act set standards for what is expected and just because the seller was exempt as a dealer didn't give him reason to violate what was expected or accepted conduct.
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