Sentences with phrase «violate precepts»

You violate this precept at your peril.
It would seem the Knox County Board policy may violate that precept.
Richard X. Bove, an analyst with Punk, Ziegel & Co., called the plan «yet another idea to drive funds away from the markets,» adding that «the concept of forcing banks to keep bad loans on their books violates every precept of regulation in American banking.»
Evidence relevant for some legitimate purpose, can only be excluded if it violates the precepts of Indiana Rule of Evidence 403.

Not exact matches

This paradoxical thrust is evident in Jesus» intention to fulfill the Law by, at times, violating the specific precepts of the Law.
The undercurrent seems to be that dissent or critique in the midst of war is inherently unpatriotic because it violates a sacred wartime precept: support our troops.
They violated no moral precept by moving to a better school district.
[Politician Nancy] Pelosi did something to piss me off, and I violated a primal precept.
It will impose arbitrary and disproportionate punishment without due process, violate established constitutional precepts and Charter rights, and foster Canadian and global insecurity.
I would say that I do believe it violates central precepts of Federal Law, namely the Commerce cause and / or its negative implications, and through the incorporation of the fourteenth amendment, the violation of what I would consider to be a fundamental right (although not entirely elucidated in case law yet), namely that of the ability for people to freely contract for the carrying out of what I would consider basic and fundamental conveyances of property.
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