Sentences with phrase «violence against»

The impregnability of the Muslims» worldview was evident in the case of the Jordanian legal scholar who insisted that the suicide bombers in the 9 - 11 attacks could not have been Muslim because violence against innocents is condemned by the Qur» an.
What you've done is smear Osteen, Mohler, Wright and anyone else who actually believes Scripture condemns homosexuality as one - of - a-kind with those who perpetrate physical violence against homosexuals.
It's a total non-apology apology — he's not apologized for advocating VIOLENCE against any kid even perceived as gay.
Many said the hearings unfairly target Islam and warned they could stoke fear and fuel violence against the wider Muslim community.
When conscience seems to demand violence against others, we sometimes see sympathy on the basis of conscience.
When Faludi touches on the rise in female poverty (directly correlated with the rise in female - headed households» there's no doubt about this relationship), the rise in violence against women, the rise of eating disorders, she blames it all on The Backlash.
In the last fifty years there have been only fifty instances of physical violence against Christians.
Thus killing girls before or after birth is part of the wider problem of violence against women, like dowry deaths and widow burnings.
David is basically saying some very simple things to Christianity in a nutshell — love your neighbor, do not committ vicious acts of violence against your neighbor, speak up when these acts happen, and be accountable for your actions (repentance)... simple really.
Do not any violence against my country.
He struggled to find the reason and the rationale to free his people from their compulsion to act in hideous violence against one another.
It says physical violence against Christians is up 40 per cent and murders have doubled.
increasingly controlled by rightwing Hindu extremists who condone and in some cases actively support violence against minorities, especially the Muslim minority.
Many other groups (such as Minneapolis's Organizing Against Pornography, state chapters of Women Against Violence Against Women, and local rape centers) have slide shows available for study groups.
«Some fear violence against their Islamic center.
Broken People: Caste Violence Against India's «Untouchables» (New York: Human Rights Watch, 1999) 1 - 2.
«If we do move,» Rauf continued, «it will strengthen the argument of the radicals to recruit, their ability to recruit, and their increasing aggression and violence against our country.»
Balakian's book is a chronicle of terror, hope and occasional heroism, and — like most such tales — of the international community's resounding failure to prevent or stop acts of violence against a people.
The story of philo «Semitism is not presented as an alternative way of considering the modern Jewish experience: indeed, as the Rubinsteins show, it arose in large part in response to worldwide persecution and violence against Jews» from the infamous Damascus «blood libel,» to the institution of anti «Jewish laws in Italy, to pogroms in Russia, to the Dreyfus case, and on into the Nazi era.
Domestic violence against women has been overlooked by the Church throughout the centuries.
- A letter signed by the world's foremost Buddhist leaders to express their concern about the violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
Self - defense implies abstaining from unjust acts of violence against others: unfortunately this requires both honest self - awareness and empathy (qualities that seem to be short supply).
Nasser's successor, Anwar Sadat, made more concessions to the jihadists, and violence against Christians broke out more often.
The laureates also claim the 14 young people - accused of involvement in the protests and violence against security forces - were reportedly subjected to physical force.
With varying degrees of intensity, the revolution's violence against the Church would be repeated again and again in Europe over the next two hundred years.
Commit this Advent season to educating yourself (or your faith community) about a particular pervasive injustice — mass incarceration, human trafficking, child brides, infant & maternal mortality, violence against women, etc..
(UPDATED) Violence against religious minorities continues to rise, but some Christians have decided to fight back.
The Women's Alternative and Response Union described the ruling as «inadmissible» because it legitimised violence against women and blamed the victim.
The worst part is tolerance that allows for the existence of blatant practices of hatred and violence against of others.
Against this background of militant feminism, which did not hesitate to advocate counterviolence — at least in self - defense — to male violence against women, pacifists in the women's movement were made to feel isolated and defensive.
If we believe in a violent God then we can easily rationalize away violence against others who we see as threats.
As a side note, I didn't explain the three story types very well, but based on my understanding, I don't put the death on the cross under redemptive violence, unless it is God using violence against Jesus, which isn't quite what happened on the cross...
I had to speak out now because I was feeling complicit in the violence against innocents.
Sure the Bible is against violence against women, but it doesn't exactly support violence against men - violence is violence and shouldn't be committed against people.
We condemn violence against women but we can body slam them on the wrestling mat huh?
Btw, since you yourself accused Christians of commiting violence against you and yours, to the extent that you had to move, then i must call FAIL on your statement, using the same requirements the atheists use in arguing with believers; either prove it or you lose.
Premier spoke to Natalie Collins, who started Spark - a group that equips churches to prevent violence against women.
Church leaders are accused of fostering psychological violence against homosexual people by repeating certain myths or ignoring the important issues responsible for many problems that gay and lesbian people experience, both in churches and the wider society.
But He knows that by taking the blame upon Himself, He will hopefully stop the cycle of violence from continuing, for while a person might retaliate in violence against a violent neighbor, how does one retaliate against a violent God?
While parts of the world have experienced random violence against civilians for years, it seems agenda - driven mass violence — terrorism — has touched the U.S. in this generation more than ever in our history.
Maybe because it would insight idiots like you engage in violence against innocent Muslims free to practice thier religion in this country.
By design, terrorism is an unpredictable use of violence against an individual, group, community, or nation to attain the goal of the perpetrators.
In other words, this passage reads to limit unnecessary or gratuitous violence, but not as a per se prohibition of violence against a slave (particularly in light of «he is both their Master and yours» directly and indirectly engaging in violence to punish bad behavior and exact compliance with authority).
NCEASL has been monitoring and documenting incidents of discrimination, intimidation and violence against Sri Lanka's Christian community for over two decades.
You're right, when I go to church we just sit there and plot bombings and violence against gays.
Anyone who preaches that violence, and especially violence against innocents, is anyway justified by religion, is bound to fail.
Some priests have called for violence against LGBTI people.
Just because I won't use violence against someone I disagree with doesn't meant there isn't someone else out there who will.
Bev Jullien from Mother's Union, which is backing the campaign, told Premier why violence against women and girls is tolerated in so many societies around the world.
Croatia's conservative opposition and the Catholic Church - the organisers of the protest - said they support combating violence against women and domestic violence, which is the main point of the convention, but are against its alleged introduction of «a third gender» into society.
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