Sentences with phrase «violence in neighboring countries»

2) Re threats, both your links seem to be as much about India protecting itself from spillover violence in neighboring countries.

Not exact matches

Several children and families that have fled their homes in Myanmar to escape military - led violence are now living in refugee camps in the neighboring country of Bangladesh and require certain necessities while they await placement.
Several of these attempts were summarized in the previous posts when we looked at several of the views of how people seek to explain the violence of God in Scripture, but the tragic fact is that violence of Israel can not easily be explained away, and often the same reasoning that is used to get Israel if the hook in her violence toward neighboring nations is then used to justify (and even encourage) violence today from our own country toward those we view as enemies of God.
«The proliferation of illicit arms in the country, the existence of numerous land and chieftaincy disputes, the prevalence of terrorist activities in some neighboring countries of our regions all serve as triggers for violence and therefore pose real threats to the 2016 general elections,» he outlined.
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