Sentences with phrase «violent environment»

«From lack of access to higher education and job opportunities, to managing trauma from these experiences in violent environments, and in many cases, recidivism, these policies have served to punish youth for life.
Abbey Lee looks stunning as ever and I enjoy the fact Bella and Elle don't stick out as sore thumbs but blend within Klein's often violent environment
Violent environments tend to create a pervasive mistrust of the organization.
The study said testimony and reports supported the perception that urban students flounder in decaying, violent environments with poor resources, teachers and curricula, and limited opportunities.
It is only a matter of time: unless we destroy ourselves first, we will collide with another «little something» inside this violent environment we call the universe.
Barry is struggling to balance the violent environment of his formative years with a more hopeful present, but the clarity comes through his peers in the acting class.
Poor parents use more «preventative» strategies — obedience, discipline, and conformity — in hopes of keeping children safe in a more chaotic and violent environment.
He is supported by many feminists despite acknowledging that he is a «recovering misogynist,» which he attributes to having been reared in a violent environment.
This could shed light on the physical processes at work in these violent environments.
The spectra also show the high - velocity winds driven by the intense star formation in both galaxies, uncovering the violent environment in these galaxies.
Deciphering clues in meteorites to learn about the violent environment of Solar System formation
Inspired by Keith Haring, Jasper Johns, Frida Kahlo and Jean - Michel Basquiat, there's a dichotomy in the work of University of Texas at El Paso Fine Arts graduate Jesus Arturo Gardea, the result of his penchant for a childlike view of the world, coupled with the often - violent environment in which he grew up.
Perhaps that is what makes the work so radical: its willingness to unravel the conventionally given answers about the violent environment we inhabit today.
They aim to provide multi-faceted supports for women and children, who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence, transition away from the violent environment and into a more stable, safe, and healthy environment.
It was written with a three-fold purpose: (1) to look at what it means to be a parent in a violent environment; (2) to address the expanded concerns of caregivers, teachers, and other community helpers; and (3) to discuss possible interventions and treatment strategies.
Teri is the Program Director for Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE).
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan says that teaching self - control, perseverance and grit, a term made popular in Paul Tough's book, «How Children Succeed,» is particularly critical for children who live in violent environments.
(Yamawaki, Ochoa - Shipp, Pulsipher, Harlos & Swindler, 2012) Stemming from this idea, a child being brought up in this violent environment will not develop the same way as a child who is raised in a loving and nurturing environment.
A Safe Place Alameda County Family Justice Center Alipato Project Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach Building Futures With Women and Children DeafHope Family Violence Appellate Project (FVAP) Family Violence Law Center Narika Oakland Women's Ce Ruby's Place Safe Alternatives to Violent Environment (SAVE) Shalom Bayit
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