Sentences with phrase «violent forms»

A new U.S. National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, headed by Milton S. Eisenhower, stated: «Violence on television encourages violent forms of behavior, and fosters moral and social values about violence in daily life which are unacceptable in a civilized society.»
This assumed its most violent form in the Spanish Inquisition which lasted from 1479 to 1820.
Research reports show that verbal harassment of LGBT students can develop into more violent forms of abuse.
• DIE BRUCKE GROUP (1905 - 13)(The Bridge) Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880 - 1938) Leader of Die Brucke, a group inspired by violent forms and Primitive art.
These days less violent forms of discipline are favoured.
TheObjectives Resolution, passed by the Constituent Assembly in 1949, laid the basis of an Islamic Republic where religiosity has progressed with every passing decade, culminating in its current violent form.
The collection of works in this exhibition question this logic through a variety of media — from the vaguely violent forms of Noelle Allen's sculptural installation, to the collaged camouflage in Jordan Martins» images, new video work from Theodore Darst, and the swarm of drones in Nicholas Sagan's installation.
It confirms that the mode in which Hartley's emotional personality best manifested itself was Expressionism, filling his canvases with vibrant color and violent forms in turbulent compositions.
«Indeed it is evident that Christianity, however degraded and distorted by cruelty and intolerance, must always exert a modifying influence on men's passions, and protect them from the more violent forms of fanatical fever, as we are protected from smallpox by vaccination.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880 - 1938) Leader of Die Brucke, influenced by violent forms and Primitive art.
It may well encourage more primitive and violent forms of solidarity of the sort we see in ISIS and other Islamist movements.
This is particularly true when that protest takes a violent form, as it did on September 11, 2001.
Yes, there are proverbs that recommend the rod, but The Child in Christian Thought displays a broader biblical theology opposed to violent forms of punishment.
Feeling as though they have no place to stand, they can be seduced by strong men who promise protection and become infatuated with artificial, coercive, and violent forms of solidarity.
These only feed the cognitive dissonance — the confusion — of those whose real experience tells them a very different story, making them more likely to imitate the violent forms of feedback they are already witnessing on the news or over the Internet.
It starred Michael B Jordan, who reappears here as the anti-hero Erik «Killmonger» Stevens, espousing a vengeful and violent form of black power.
«Grand Guignol: A Theatrical Tradition» (19 minutes) offers a look at the history of this violent form of theater.
We map the most extreme and violent forms
Much, although not all, of the material for this exhibition was drawn from the Judge Dredd comics — a dystopian future - vision that focuses on a central character who dispenses an authoritarian, immediate and violent form of justice.
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