Sentences with phrase «violent hands»

Ucla and Washington st. Ucla - 4:16 mark - look at violent hands 4:55 mark - look at those quick feet and put pressure on Rosen 6:07 mark - guard gets ragdolled Washington st. — 1:52 mark - used explosion and splits double team 1:58 mark - puts move on guard 2:08 mark - explodes and beats double team.
Along these lines, is it an accident that history's most famous murderer, Adolf Hitler, died by his own violent hand, by the same means by which he delegated others to kill his victims?
This trailer doesn't show off the Don's View mechanic, which we're anxious to learn more about, however it does show us how violent the hand - to - hand action will be as players grab their victim and give them a proper mafia beat down.
You haven't lived until you've seen Jerry Orbach discover a dead body while explaining in Mel Kiper's voice about the «violent hands» of a third - round offensive tackle.
JJ Watt is great because he possesses outstanding strength, violent hands and some damn good athleticism for his size, not because he's tough.
Refreshingly, there's no cop out euphemisms directed towards the historical plight of people of color under the violent hands of white figures in power: instead, it's right there in front of you.
My violent hands are slow, patient and calculating because the world has never told me that they should act otherwise.
Instead, the trauma that he suffered was at the violent hands of someone you trusted to protect him.
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