Sentences with phrase «violent imagery»

Turns out the singer thought his music shouldn't be used over violent imagery — or, at least, that he should have been paid more if it was.
Brain scans revealed that long - term gamers engaging in aggressive on - screen scenarios have the same neurological reaction to violent imagery as people who don't play video games.
John or whomever wrote this book obviously wasn't bothered by violent imagery.
The Old Testament is rife with all sorts of violent imagery.
We've shielded her from most violent imagery in the house thus far, and she still isn't sure what guns are all about yet, so I chose judiciously.
If belief involves this kind of seeing, this kind of interpreting and reorientation, then we can more readily appreciate why the believer is accustomed to use the imagery of illumination and the still more violent imagery of rebirth, of death and resurrection.
«Frankly, I'm tired of both sides using violent imagery to describe the difficult decisions that I, and my sisters, make every day, and I'm tired of seeing those decisions reduced to bumper sticker ideologies that can be exploited for political gain.
His earlier, cartoonish objects often addressed sexual or violent imagery constructed with industrially produced medium - density fiberboard (MDF), lending themRead more
In addition to larger groups, Newsweek pointed Facebook to a list of eight different smaller groups with names as explicit as Death to Islam that regularly promoted violent imagery directed as Muslims on Facebook.
Dunaway stars as controversial fashion photographer Laura Mars, who has been creating a huge buzz in the entertainment news with her brand of stylized violent imagery used in the photographs she takes, which are readily used in advertising products.
In comparison, only 26 % of Sony's E3 briefing contained violent imagery (27.5 mins out of 106 total).
Your character beings to see violent imagery in his trips to different shops, you save a drug addicted prostitute, and even wind up in hospital with little knowledge of how you got there.
Violent imagery ensured the game was never released overseas during the NES era, but as few people now view video games as a hobby exclusively for kids, there's no reason for Capcom not to release an official port here.
The work is part of a new series featuring his distinctive violent imagery over batik cloths mounted on raw canvas.
Featuring the provocative artist's starkly violent imagery, the show will put on display paintings, sculptures, and murals, including what looks to be a striking «wrap» of the building's facade.
There is a roomful of early «disaster» paintings by Andy Warhol that chew on the paradox of moral anesthesia induced by violent imagery.
Her oil on polyester works all feature a white - ish haze on their surfaces, creating a gentle aesthetic that often masks more violent imagery; including guns, police cars and darkened figures.
Maria Luskay, a media and communications professor at my new home base, Pace University, sees a generational divide over violent imagery:
Last night Jared Wilson issued an apology on his Gospel Coalition blog for a post that, quoting another writer, used violent imagery to describe how men should exercise «authority» in the marriage bed.
A few quick flashes of violent imagery, a Psycho-esque string crescendo, what sounds like knife blades being scraped together, and... well, we'll have to wait until the full trailer is released next week for the rest.
In some ways, it's a lot easier to let Twitter or YouTube or Facebook decide what content we should see and not see, since it protects us from being exposed to violent imagery and repulsive behavior.
«Violence & violent imagery to bully the press must be rejected,» House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D - Calif.)
A 2009 study showed that violent imagery — whether it's played for laughs or not — does not inspire violent acts.
But other studies concluded that young people who went online to find out more about self - harm and suicide were exposed to violent imagery and acted out what they had seen online.
Freed from content restrictions, the new episodes feature an abundance of profanity, violent imagery, and some nudity, but they also reflect auteurist intent, independent of mainstream conventions, that is frequently thrilling.
Gilderoy may be appalled by the violent imagery and cowed by the crew but, perhaps most cruelly, he's tasked with coming up with ever more disgusting sounds, utilising a variety of prosaic props, replicating and contributing to the barbarism by, for instance, stabbing cabbages.
«Isle of Dogs,» a Fox Searchlight release, is rated PG - 13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for, «thematic elements and some violent imagery
Too much sexy material and violent imagery can affect their behavior and the choices they make.
Violent imagery, extremist propaganda and sexualised content are just a few examples of where pupils could be exposed while browsing at school.
I applied this definition of «violent imagery» fairly lightly.
TANY's video works, Dedicated to my ex-lover (2001) and She loves SEX, and she hates SEX (2001), use violent imagery to address Japanese stereotypes of desirability and the sex industry.
Paul McCarthy's video - taped performances and provocative multimedia installations lampoon polite society, ridicule authority, and bombard the viewer with a sensory overload, of often sexually - tinged, violent imagery.
Los Angeles artist and musician Llyn Foulkes creates paintings, installations, and tableaux of biting social commentary, often utilizing a concoction of pop icons, American landscapes, and violent imagery.
McCarthy's artworks «lampoon polite society, ridicule authority and bombard the viewer with a sensory overload, of often sexually - tinged, violent imagery,» according to a benefit catalogue.
Pollock's complex imagery derived from diverse sources including Navajo sand painting, Asian calligraphy, Picasso's more violent imagery, and personal revelations stemming from his Jungian psychotherapy sessions.
He later also established his connection with Dada's mood of iconoclasm and disgust with society first by his violent imagery, and then by his handling of tarry blacks, his non-aesthetic, industrial textures, and by embedding cigarette ends, broken glass and bits of string in his pigment.
Dorsey believes that moves to remedy this issue will be put in place by November 3rd, at which point hate groups and violent imagery are expected to be purged.
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