Sentences with phrase «violent resistance»

Non violent resistance appears to be an aggressive form of it.
His job is to suppress violent resistance to the law of the land.
The Roman Empire was an example of institutionalized violence, held in place by military might, legions stationed everywhere, and met by outbreaks of violent resistance year after year after year.
He freed India from British Rule by a movement of non violence, resistance to evil and adherence to truth without anger, which turned out to be a more powerful force than violent resistance which had failed over and over.
What is most surprising about nonviolent resistance is that where it has been used in human history, it has a better «success» record than does violent resistance (or war).
Now, a spike in new cases in Guinea's Boke border province combined with violent resistance to efforts to control it there are stoking concerns it could spread.
By embracing those discussions and opposing hate through violent resistance, the New Colossus finds surprising depth in a series and genre that usually lacks it.
Getting violence out of your home Catherine Marcus looks at how Non Violent Resistance courses and support groups are helping parents living with aggressive children.
For other families, with Coercive Controlling Violence (and Violent Resistance in some cases), this approach may reduce the risks of direct parenting conflict and assist both parents in complying with restraining orders, treatment orders, and parenting restrictions.
«We always knew that there was a problem of violent resistance - that is why we sent soldiers to do this work.
While smaller incidents with European - style black blocs and «antifascist» groups had occurred before, many leftists perceived Trump as an actual fascist takeover, requiring even violent resistance.
-- but the point was to create fear and discourage active rebellion or violent resistance.
At the moment, Snow suggests, the most powerful people in Turkey are fanatics like Sunay and Blue, and the one thing that unites them is their violent resistance to the values that the West holds most dear.
«Pacifism is opposition to war and violence, even to the point of allowing self - harm rather than a resort to violent resistance
Some will hold that violent resistance can not serve that end, but that, too, is a judgment about conditions and consequences; it is not one which follows automatically from the nature of love.
In a TED talk a few years ago, political scientist Erica Chenoweth talked about her research comparing nonviolent and violent campaigns, and she said that while she used to believe that violent resistance was more successful than nonviolent resistance, the data she collected blew her away and changed her mind forever.
My second point is that the debate about pacifism, nonviolent and violent resistance is not usually presented as contextually responsive options but as exclusive moral positions.
However, speaking to MPs this afternoon, Mr Browne rejected this analysis, insisting the government had made clear from the start that although British forces in Afghanistan were not there to fight terrorists, violent resistance was expected.
Angered by the violent resistance to change he experienced he moved to New York City in 1960.
It implies locating the compassion to face down the violent resistance of ego trying to solidify and maintain power.
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