Sentences with phrase «violent response»

Moreover putting them in proximity to population centers is actually a plus, because such an attack would provoke world outrage at the mass casualties and insure a swift and truly violent response from allies.
The mounting evidence, provided by Hilary Fisher of Women's Aid, is that the mere presence of women in what some men see as «men's space» is enough to provoke violent response.
For some reason, the more violent responses seem to occur in Asia, but that's probably just my perception.
Petros Sekeris may have chosen an unfortunate example to illustrate his hypothesis about violent responses to resource depletion (22 November,...
Violent responses observed in younger age groups are likely to be a culmination over the preceding years of adaptations and learnt behaviours that manifest during adolescence.
The potentially violent response may be a physical manifestation of feeling powerless, and unfortunately, often exacerbates both the initial stressor and subsequent depressive symptoms (de Wied et al. 2007).
Conditioned by fear, they know the slightest noise will provoke a violent response - and almost certain death.
Jeremy, In all honesty, I can not even imagine a genuine agape (love) that never has occasion for a violent response.
Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu notes that instead of urging Peter to a violent response, Jesus said to him, «Feed my sheep.»
I think what Dave meant was that the previous behavior would have indicated a somewhat violent response from Muslims and that the maker should have expected that, not that the violent response was justified.
Those who attack us are felt to be villains, and our violent response is felt to be morally justified.
But rarely if ever does he seem to have advocated a violent response to what he saw as the Islamization of Europe, even as he planned a massacre for years.
Furthermore, aside from annihilating every living thing on earth except for the humans and creatures in the ark, the violent response of God toward evil didn't really accomplish anything.
My heart not only breaks for my friends in Israel and Palestine, but it breaks because of the hateful stereotyping, racism and violent response being disseminated by Christians as they watch the news unfold and enter the discussion.
«The violent response to Milo's tour of our college campuses, culminating in the riot at Berkeley, is evidence of a deep crisis in religious thinking.»
This month, the United Nations human rights office condemned the violent response by government security forces in the DRC against people protesting the refusal of President Kabila to resign.
Remember, being verbally provoked does not justify a violent response.
The protests started in his own city of Sidi Bouzid, far from the centers of Tunisian power, but they quickly provoked a violent response from the government's internal security forces.
«Once we consider how important schools are to American ideas about economic opportunity and upward mobility, we can better understand why school settings are revealed in our research as focal points of violent responses to increased unemployment,» said Hagan, who also is a research professor at the American Bar Foundation.
In «25 Ways to Raise a Great Puppy,» Bailey describes a violent response as normal for humans.
Recorded in the ballroom of the Museo Cerralbo, in Madrid, Aires» video was inspired by protests against the Spanish government for corruption, as well as the violent response by the Spanish police.
He noted that the distinguishing factor in these cases was the violent response to a lawful instruction, and that the claimants» cases amounted to the contention that, since employees must receive instructions and respond to them, an improper form of response, even a violent one, is an act within the course of employment (at 43).
US Congress members expressed sharp criticism over digital assets, which triggered a violent response in social media where users accused the politicians of crypto ignorance and incompetence.
There has been an apparent surge in violent responses to same - sex couples who display affection in public (such as holding hands or kissing).
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