Sentences with phrase «violent weather»

Facing the combination of rising sea - levels and the increased likelihood and intensity of violent weather events, disaster response will have to get more technological.
If you'll consider the gradient argument then snow out west, heat in the east and violent weather in the middle makes sense.
For properties that are prone to particular kinds of violent weather patterns, this will be an ongoing issue for insurers.
The perceived link between global warming and extreme weather is primarily due to greater media attention on violent weather today than in past decades.
2/9 A Jesus Christ that does not, will not and can not command violent weather systems to calm down is an outdated Jesus Christ.
Before discussing tornadoes, it is important to note that it is scientifically uncontroversial to conclude that climate change is causing more violent weather particularly in the form of: (a) more damaging thunder storms, (b) the kind of devastating flooding we have seen this year in Australia, Pakistan, Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, along the Mississippi and the Tennessee valleys, and (c) more severe droughts such as those experienced this year in China, Brazil, and Texas.
My hope was simply to get them thinking about broader patterns that might offer hints of what tips the balance from violent weather to utter calamity.
What peer - reviewed references are there for global warming causing drought in continental interiors and violent weather on coastlines?
The use of fossil fuels contributes to global warming, which will exact a high price on agriculture and the rest of society through increased violent weather events, droughts and floods, and rising oceans.
Before the plane lost contact with air traffic control workers on Sunday morning, the pilot requested permission to change its planned flight path to avoid violent weather.
The planet could never be inhabitable, due to its likely violent weather systems, and unaccommodating temperatures.
American scientist Virginia Burkett: violent weather threats to coastal energy.
Their report suggested that water and food shortages, combinedwith violent weather events, could lead to massive upheavals andinstigate conflicts in every global region.
In 1924, a group of brave men faced violent weather, unreliable navigation, crashes, and unfamiliar foreign cultures in their goal to win the race to be the first to circumnavigate the globe by plane.
A warm planet means a wet, productive, flourishing planet and if its warm due to CO2 it means an even more flourishing planet with less violent weather.
What Isman is experiencing is one of the little - recognized consequences of climate change, the mental anguish experienced by survivors in the aftermath of extreme and sometimes violent weather and other natural disasters.
In mid-latitudes, the most violent weather occurs when cold polar air and warm tropical air meet, which often creates strong frontal storms and tornados.
Airlines would report more delays, we assume, as violent weather in the Atlantic and Pacific makes its presence known.
True to form, they continue to mindlessly support the coal industry (one of the main causes of climate change and the increasingly frequent violent weather events) and denigrate renewable energy.
With comprehensive insurance, motorists can rest assured they're covered if they're ever involved in an accident or a random event that befalls their automobile, like violent weather or vandalism.
Obviously the power grid needs a lot of work — not only to «harden» it against violent weather and solar flares, but to make it «smarter», more efficient, and better able to effectively integrate power generation from diverse, distributed, and variable sources at all scales.
But given what we know now about methane release and global temp spikes and sea level rise and so on, we are poised to soon see the eruption of violent weather events on a scale heretofore unimaginable.
Climate Change I'll add a final thought about the persistent discussion of the role of greenhouse - driven climate change in violent weather in Tornado Alley.
If we don't curb our carbon - emitting ways, the alarmists warn, we face «increasingly radical temperature changes, a worldwide upsurge in violent weather events, widespread drought, flooding, wildfires, famine, species extinction, rising sea levels, mass migration, and epidemic disease that will leave no country untouched.»
The violent weather systems wreak havoc on coastlines and islands in tropical areas, as the name implies.
This violent weather may be happening in the exoplanet HAT - P - 11b, which is around 124 light years away or 729 trillion miles from Earth.
Each one of these consequences of climate change will require policies to protect our citizens, especially those most vulnerable to violent weather.
And we'd have to deal with the droughts, famines, violent weather events that the freezing would entail.
Specifically, I'll bet that the average annual number of Americans killed by these violent weather events from 2011 through 2030 will be lower than it was from 1991 through 2010.
«No increase in violent weather, no increase in hurricanes.
«Rising ocean water levels, droughts, violent weather, ruined national economies — those are the kinds of stresses we'll see more of under climate change.»
Despite the cyclone potentially offering a cooling effect that could have mitigated the ongoing bleaching, the researchers noted that the damage caused by the violent weather pattern rendered any positive effects negligible.
«This is a reminder that climate change is bringing us more violent weather and we need to fundamentally change the way we get our electricity,» Enck said.
Each additional ton of carbon dioxide that's spewed into the atmosphere contributes to further warming, thus increasing the risk of violent weather
Violent weather isn't getting worse.
But it is also starting to anger some developing nations struggling to cope with violent weather, droughts, and floods blamed on climate change.
Violent weather, wayward animals, falling objects, and flying projectiles — each of these incidents can be every bit as damaging, yet they are not covered under a traditional collision insurance policy.
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