Sentences with phrase «virginity with»

The friends embark on a hilarious quest to lose their virginity with the girls of their dreams.
With the blessing of a kind priest (Macy), O'Brien sets out to lose his virginity with the aid of a sex surrogate (Hunt).
Andy's first attempt at finding a woman to break his virginity with involves heading to the nearest club and asking the drunkest girl around to take him home.
While struggling to try to reconcile the faltering marriage of his parents (Sally Hawkins and Noah Taylor), young daydreamer Oliver (Craig Roberts) plots to lose his virginity with his new girlfriend (Yasmin Paige).
So all in all, I think breaking my virginity with print mixing was a good thing.
Toomey's pals at Club for Change have not yet been able to elect a statewide candidate (and they aren't going to lose their Virginity with Toomey).
Such questions may arise because people confuse the vocation of consecrated virginity with the taking of vows of celibate chastity by religious and the consecration to celibacy of the secular priesthood.
The problem with the evangelical purity culture, as I see it, isn't that it teaches saving sex for marriage, but that it equates virginity with sexual wholeness and therefore as something that can be lost or given or taken away in a single moment.

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Finding My Virginity is also stuffed with lessons for entrepreneurs, delivered in the self - deprecating tone of someone who attributes much of his success to luck.
Thus, in discussing «women publicly consecrated to virginity,» the draft says: «Their witness stands out precisely because many achieved a certain autonomy with respect to men, a certain «emancipation» and a self - direction in pursuit of the spiritual life, advanced studies, and apostolic works.»
It's the same with the virginity, purity and modesty movement.
If the price of virginity is the repression and distortion of that which is good and wondrous; if virginity is achieved by surrounding sex with guilt and fear; if the quest for virginity drives them to an unhealthy dependency on some form of autoeroticism as a preferred means to release their sexual energy; then for those reasons I would say the price of virginity is too high on my scale of values.
«Therefore the Church gives thanks for each and every woman: for mothers, for sisters, for wives; for women consecrated to God in virginity; for women dedicated to the many human beings who await the gratuitous love of another person; for women who watch over the human persons in the family, which is the fundamental sign of the human community; for women who work professionally, and who at times are burdened by a great social responsibility; for «perfect» women and for «weak» women - for all women as they have come forth from the heart of God in all the beauty and richness of their femininity; as they have been embraced by his eternal love; as, together with men, they are pilgrims on this earth, which is the temporal «homeland» of all people and is transformed sometimesinto a «valley of tears»; as they assume, together with men, a common responsibility for the destiny of humanity according to daily necessities and according to that definitive destiny which the human family has in God himself, in the bosom of the ineffable Trinity.»
It is observable with obvious distinction between virginity and promiscuity.
But the Catholic Church's hangup with thinking perfection = virginity is blinding them.
«But if... evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones...» (Deuteronomy 22:20,21)
Unlike the propagators of the Maria Goretti model, who enjoined girls to embrace virginity for its own sake out of deference to ecclesiastical authority, Dohen affirmed that the consecrated virgin freely chooses to sacrifice marriage, which she called «the greatest natural means to holiness and the source of the greatest human love» for the sake of «something else» (Vocation to Love [Sheed & Ward, 1950], p. 56) In her writings, that «something else» appears to include the spiritual status of a «bride of Christ,» lonely confrontations with God and, above all, the freedom and detachment necessary to serve God in the world.
In order to demonstrate her courage, she opens the book with an account of losing her virginity to a boy she «dated» for about twelve hours.
It starts with people letting their friends and followers know they will be fasting from Facebook and Instagram and ends with the smart aleck who tweets that he will be giving up virginity for Lent.
St. Jerome said the primary purpose of a man of God was «to cut down with an ax of Virginity the wood of Marriage».
Virginity is the ideal of the holy person not because he or she is filled with a deep hatred of the human body, but because Christ was ihidaya meaning that Christ had singleness of purpose to be the instrument of God's will and thought.
In another Syriac source it is said that Christ the true bridegroom came for the purpose of gathering and elevating only those who followed his call with a vow of virginity.
Notice that verse 25 makes difficult the Roman idea of the perpetual virginity of Mary, and fits in with the mention of Jesus» brothers and sisters in Matthew 13:55 - 56 and the parallel in Mark 6:3.
I am the worst sinner ever i think... i lost my virginity since when i was 14 or more years... the first time i intercourse with the married woman (i do nt know she divorced or her husband died) and that was just once but kissed many times... then later i intercourse with another lady then after that with the another lady (girl friends)... then after that i have a long lasting relationship with another lady (nonchristian) we already intercourse for many times... and as years pases by..
We belong to the women who can't read, we belong to the women who have been stripped of every hope, who are being sold in slave markets, whose daughters are coming back to them with ripped apart virginity.
But because Meier needs to be in debate with dogma and church tradition about Mary's perpetual virginity, he devotes considerable space to answering claims that otherwise would merit only passing notice.
As with the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience, virginity is a radical orientation towards Christ, living the Gospel in the here and now, which is thereby an efficacious sign in the present of that final salvation which will be fully realised in the eschatological Kingdom at the end of time.
Here is the basis of Augustine's view that virginity is the highest human state, celibacy next, and that there is a scale of nobility in relation to continence after bereavement, with renunciation always receiving the highest honour.17
She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; and this woman was a widow of about eighty - four years,
It's about the teenager contemplating suicide because she had sex with her boyfriend and her church told her that once she lost her virginity, she was «damaged goods,» that no good Christian boy would ever want her.
Yet the idea of Mary's perpetual virginity became so popular that in the late fourth century the faithful greeted with horror two pro-marriage churchmen's suggestion that it was biblically and historically justifiable to believe that, following Jesus» birth, Mary had children by her husband just as any other wife would.
On the one hand, motherhood, along with virginity, is what has most inspired men with respect for women.
But few of us would endorse those elements of tradition that baptize patriarchal oppression, endorse violence against women, oppress lesbians and gays, exalt perpetual virginity as the superior state, or declare that heterosexual rape is a lesser sin than masturbation (on the view that the latter act contradicts nature while the former act, while also sinful, is in accordance with nature) The postbiblical tradition, like Scripture itself, does not provide one coherent, consistent sexual ethic.
Those who had once been forced to find their identity in their virginity end up swinging the opposite direction by growing reckless with their sexuality.
Still, the Virgin of Wheaton that slowly emerged in our course was a Protestant one, even if she came to light in conversation with the four traditional Catholic Marian teachings: Mary as Mother of God, her perpetual virginity (before, during, and after the birth of Christ), her immaculate conception, and her bodily assumption into heaven.
One of my most vivid college memories is of a conversation with a good friend about my (to her) bizarre aberration of virginity.
Our difficulties with the teaching of Mary's physiological virginity during the birth of Christ, however, were far more pronounced.
If, on the other hand, while a favorable wind bore the fleet on with swelling sails to its goal, Agamemnon had sent that messenger who fetched Iphigenia in order to be sacrificed; if Jephtha, without being bound by any vow which decided the fate of the nation, had said to his daughter, «Bewail now thy virginity for the space of two months, for I will sacrifice thee»; if Brutus had had a righteous son and yet would have ordered the lictors to execute him — who would have understood them?
BUT im willing to bet my Ar $ e virginity that Wenger will stick with Giroud as our only option and maybe buy players to crowd our already croded attacking midfield options.
Katie Price left little to the imagination during a conversation with glamour model Cami Li on Celebrity Big Brother, asking the US star how she lost her virginity.
The new study does not suggest that virginity pledges are harmful, says Andrew Goldstein, MD, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, because they were not associated with an increase in STDs or unplanned pregnancies.
Virginity pledges, along with a 6 - hour curriculum, were first introduced in 1993 by an evangelical Christian group, and a 1995 survey suggested that 13 % of teens had taken such a pledge (current survey data are lacking, says Rosenbaum.)
In the analysis, Rosenbaum compared 289 young adults who took virginity pledges in their teens with 645 young people who did not take such a pledge.
with our posse, while crimping each other's hair and watching Brenda lose her virginity to Dylan during the «Spring Dance» episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.
I was 19 having that conversation with Dad, and I'd lost my virginity three years previous.
There are cultural and religious traditions that place special value and significance... and Stacey Plaskett, D - Virgin Islands wrote... With a history of reliable reporting dating back to 1907, today's UPI is a credible source for Asian Dating Sites Scams Are There Dating Sites For Virgins Virginity — Wikipedia — Virginity is the state of a person who has never engaged in sexual intercourse.
Never had sex with a woman, but I'm ready to lose my lesbian virginity.
Just imagine the scenario where you're on a date with a regular girl and you start asking her about how she lost her virginity or which sexual position she likes the most.
This thought itself will bring distinct excitement, whether it is about to lose virginity or to have just sex tonight with new girl at AdultFindOut.
I lost my virginity at 19 with my first & last Girlfriend, I've not had sex for 10 yrs.
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