Sentences with phrase «virtual reality glasses»

Several major automakers are facing these obstacles head - on through cost - savings from augmented and virtual reality glasses for design and marketing.
You'll be able to modify the climate at will to solve all kinds of puzzles and make use of Virtual Reality glasses to make the experience even more immersive.
Next to the workshops you can also attend a table soccer tournament and test virtual reality glasses.
Patients wear virtual reality glasses that guide them through a series of exercises, while a custom - made camera tracks their movements.
You trade grins with your friend, who's actually 1,700 miles away, unplug your mind - reading headset and virtual reality glasses from your cell phone, and make your way up to your office.
Grab the new Parrot BeBop 2 drone, put on the included virtual reality glasses, and see the world from above.
Sure, touchscreens have made it a lot easier to interact, but as new devices such as smart watches and virtual reality glasses turn up, we will not be content with two dimensions.
It's a situation that is exacerbated when he is tasked with coming up with marketing new virtual reality glasses that combine the virtual with the analog for the user.
LG calls these accessories LG Friends, and they include a camera for taking 360 - degree photos, a pair of foldable virtual reality glasses and even a remote control spherical ball equipped with a camera.
Although it is not being used in special education, David believes that there are many possibilities to go exploring: «For example, the whole issue of virtual reality glasses - says David -, I see it clear in children who have, for example, attention deficit or hyperactivity; you put them the glasses and they get concentrated, they get excited and they absorb the content.
The researchers did this for a smartwatch and for virtual reality glasses.
The colorful bus — which the district received as a donation and then painted sky blue — features a variety of tools, such as 3D printers, virtual reality glasses, and littleBits, a type of electronic building block.
It also has a 3D printer and virtual reality glasses.
Virtual reality glasses, called Oculus Rift, have almost exclusively associated with video games and haven't caught much attention with the public outside that demographic.
One person had a motion - sick type of reaction after wearing the virtual reality glasses so that could be a caution for some if you are sensitive to that.
These virtual reality glasses for iPhone X are quite comfortable to wear for extended hours without any pressure to your face.
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