Sentences with phrase «virtual way»

Tannatt, while working on predetermined «hanger» forms he was translating into glass elements for wall mounted sculptural / painting work, re - remembered an aspect of Mike Kelly's «Uncanny» project and incorporated the reference into his intention of «breaking in» and how we now «break in» in virtual ways i.e. codes & «watermarks.»
We spoke with the wife of an Air Force Tech Sergeant deployed to Afghanistan about finding virtual ways for the children, ages four and six, to spend time with their dad.
This virtual way of business leads Berman to his next belief that video calls will also be on the rise.
They are raising their hand in a virtual way and saying, «I believe in this.
It will sound odd to read that we became friends, but we all did — in that virtual way that friends are made today in 2017.
While these virtual ways to engage pets could never replace taking quality time out of your day to connect with pets and assess their needs, it is exciting that strides are being made in the tech industry that aim to improve pets» health and safety overall.
If I had known this a little earlier, I would have shown up to congratulate personally... so on the virtual way: heartly congratulations!
The CryptoRuble will be used in the same way as the Russian Ruble, but in a virtual way.
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