Sentences with phrase «virtuous character»

"Virtuous character" refers to having good morals and behavior. It means someone who consistently shows honesty, kindness, and other positive qualities in their actions and decisions. Full definition
Writer Thomas Mallon believes that pure goodness is boring in a character, citing famous literary examples of virtuous characters who turned readers off.
Where is the dramatic appeal, they wondered, in a conventionally virtuous character?
In the normal course of events politicians rarely go to jail; not necessarily because they have more virtuous characters than the rest of us, but because they can usually afford better lawyers and character witnesses (and being part of the political / legal establishment probably doesn't hurt either).
The mission of Archway Classical is to develop the academic potential and virtuous character in each student through the use of a content - rich, rigorous curriculum, with a special emphasis on the cultural heritage of the Western Civilization.
After the controversy over Go Set a Watchman's «dark» version of the formerly morally upstanding Atticus Finch, The New York Times has published an article showing two sides of the debate: can virtuous characters keep readers interested?
Its stories still probe our subconscious, feeding off human insecurities; evil creatures or disturbed slashers still threaten otherwise sleepy settings where virtuous characters survive and the bawdy ones are violently eliminated.
In a famine, the best thing we can hope for is a population with a virtuous character and a belief that the duty to feed the poor is absolute.
They honor me and my people through their virtuous character and their desire to preserve the sanctity of the human race.
I will keep this short and sweet: A very nice and good - hearted man of noble and virtuous character with a good heart and soul.
Crowe makes the most of the limited character of Maximus by glowering convincingly throughout, but in truth there's nothing in this uncomplicated, virtuous character of few words that's sufficient to warrant a Best Actor nod no matter how spot on the performance.
And since Spielberg does love the underdog, he turns Donovan into a virtuous character who's all but ready to be sainted.
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