Sentences with phrase «visible reaction»

But the topic that drew the most visible reaction from her audience was the push to ensure that «culturally relevant curriculum» is taught in each of the state's 821 public schools.
White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly was in the room and was largely stone - faced, not giving any visible reaction when Trump said «shithole countries» or when he said Haitians should not be part of any deal, White House advisers said.
Esapda — who had no visible reaction to the damning verdicts when they were announced — faces 10 years in prison for every guilty count.
Mr. Skelos, a 67 - year - old Long Island Republican, showed no visible reaction to the jury's verdict in the case against Mr. Silver, a 71 - year - old Manhattan Democrat.
I'm confused as to why it is recommended to avoid one allergen and not the others, only based on a visible reaction.
The veteran teacher has no visible reaction to the word «change» during that welcome back speech during the first full faculty meeting; this latest change will be improved by another.
• Mother returns: o The child hardly displays any visible reaction, if any at all.
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