Sentences with phrase «visual choices»

She makes bold visual choices and sticks to a personal, if at times trying, aesthetic strategy.
More visual choices are generally better when building a website.
Schrader also makes a interesting visual choice as the tight frames box the characters in confined space.
It's clear that Killer's Kiss requires a great deal of patience from the viewer, as much of the movie's first half suffers from the feel of a rather unimpressive student film - with director Stanley Kubrick exacerbating this feeling by suffusing the proceedings with needlessly ostentatious visual choices.
His staging and visual choice elevate familiar jokes; his hijinks employ the flippant slapstick a la Chaplin, Keaton, and popular cartoons.
From the beginning to the end, White Night is a clash between positivity and negativity, put one against the other, distinguished by a special visual choice that I won't spoil.
Romanek and DP Jeff Cronenweth make smart visual choices, stylizing the film as a flipbook of vibrantly developed prints to befit Sy's view of the world, while reminding us — by obscuring his eyes behind a magnifying glass, mirror, or fractured windshield — of Sy's disturbed myopia.
There are a few memorable visual choices but overall, Bobin's production doesn't really build on Burton's vision.
His narrative and visual choices support that theme: raw and open - ended, they're utterly lacking the comfortable conclusions and simple moralizing of most war movies.
Lily James (Downton Abbey) stars as the title character but it's really the gorgeous visual choices and production designs that make this Disney fairy hard to forget.
The universalizing effect of Tan's unique visual choices will easily draw readers into a complex emotional experience and a deeply empathic connection.
There's still a helluva lot of visual choices that you can pile onto your character, but you can't change the size of decals and move them into specific areas anymore.
Discerning visual choices temper the grandiosity of painting's legacy.
Fiskin edits her surroundings, underlining certain repeated visual choices made by the public at large, and presents variations on a theme.
«Tales» examines the project's roots and development, story / character areas, cast and performances, the tricked - out DeLorean and various effects, cinematography, period details and visual choices, stunts, sets and production design, editing, music, promotion and release.
«Glass» examines the project's origins and development, story and characters, cast and performances, sets, production design and locations, photography and visual choices, costumes, and visual effects.
Overall, the hues were fine for their visual choices.
He tells us a little about his childhood experiences and their influence on the film as well as research, facts and liberties, cast and performances, visual choices, sets and locations, effects, music, and a few other production areas.
(Note that Douglas participates in roughly the first two - thirds of the commentary and then leaves,) All three sit together for this running, screen - specific look at the source novel and its adaptation, other character / story areas, cast and performances, locations and set / prop design, stunts, visual choices and related topics.
The amount of negative black space is as strong a visual choice as the inter-locking orange arsenal, which ultimately acts as a kind of starkly graphic photomosaic.
JG: We decided to make it more of a personal, visual choice and keep the game to be more casual in that sense.
You can show your personality with your format and the visual choices you make, as well as your font.
(4) Give your resume a marketing collateral feel by using branding elements in your content and visual choices.
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