Sentences with phrase «visual consultant»

But cosmic comparisons with Stanley Kubrick's «2001: A Space Odyssey» are inevitable, if only because Malick used Kubrick's special - effects creator Douglas Trumbull as visual consultant.
Visual consultant Paul Austerberry reveals specifics about the real - life planes and how they compare with their movie counterparts.
He reunited much of the creative team from American Gigolo — director of photography John Bailey, composer Giorgio Moroder, and most importantly visual consultant Ferdinando Scarfiotti — and transformed a sleek, sexy horror remake into a Paul Schrader film.
What does «visual consultant» actually entail?
You're often credited as a visual consultant on animated features, like Rango and How to Train Your Dragon.
Gore Verbinski and his visual consultant Roger Deakins work marvels, both in the animal characterisation and the parched desert scrubland where most of it takes place.
Visual consultant: Ferdinando Scarfiotti.
With Roger Deakins serving as a visual consultant, the film looks goddamn brilliant with Dreamworks ushering in a new gold standard for animated features in era of post-Pixar brilliance.
But what ultimately elevates the film above the ordinary is its extravagant visual imagination — a quality perhaps to be expected given the participation, in addition to Joyce, of executive producer Guillermo del Toro and «visual consultant» Roger Deakins.
Once again, Dreamworks Animation put together a talented crew and I'm sure using legendary cinematographer Roger Deakins again as a visual consultant greatly enhanced the look.
Whilst the latter threatens to take over through the prominence of Stone and Cage's recognisable tones (with both sticking to their vocal strengths), the former is lavish in detail and luxurious in scope, the imprint of Roger Deakins» (Skyfall) services as a visual consultant to cinematographer Yong Duk Jhun (Shrek Forever After) clearly evident.
Coppola picked up the stylized color palettes for The Godfather movies, where the sepia became an idealized past contrasted with the chilly present of Michael's corruption, and brought Storaro over to shoot Apocalypse Now, while Paul Schrader reached out to production designer Ferdinando Scarfiotti to be his «visual consultant» on American Gigolo and Cat People, films with defining, carefully painted color palettes.
Visual Consultant: Haskell Wexler.
As he admits in the film's largely informative commentary track, Schrader delighted in not having to worry about the screenplay (once the rewrite process was done), and embraced the studio finances and immense creative team, particularly «American Gigolo»» production designer Ferdinando Scarfiotti (billed as «Visual Consultant,» because he was non-union at the time).
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