Sentences with phrase «visual input»

The other is responsible for action: it transforms visual input into the movements of our eyes, hands and legs.
What writers are normally not aware of is the constant visual input which is the norm for artists and graphic designers.
Bottom line: This app is recommended to women who want visual input like pregnancy charts or graphs.
Our brain generates predictions of likely visual inputs so it can focus on dealing with the unexpected.
In addition, when visual inputs conflict with clues from other senses, vision tends to dominate.
This simple example illustrates a fundamental principle: we can use the same visual input to guide a variety of decisions and actions.
Too much visual input can distract or confuse the user if it has nothing to do with the rest of the content.
The study, known as Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Controlled Prosthetic Arm Movement Is Possible in the Absence of Visual Input with Proprioceptive Feedback, demonstrates that proprioception can have a powerful impact on BCI - controlled prosthetic arm movements and should be an important target for sensory restoration.
Previous studies indicated that when a decision is based on visual input, for example, assemblies of neurons start accumulating visual evidence in favour of the possible outcomes, a decision being triggered when the evidence favouring one outcome crosses a threshold.
People process visual input 60,000 times faster than they do text, so using a variety of content formats helps you impart information in ways that stick.
With Hubel and Wiesel's new understanding of how critical it is to the wiring of the brain for young eyes to get normal visual input, doctors began conducting surgery as early as possible, with much better outcomes.
«Some of the brain's connectivity maps is hardwired, possibly dependent on genetically - driven processes that do not need any external sensory information for their activation, while other process might indeed need visual input to specialize,» Amedi said.
In children with amblyopia, one eye does not receive enough visual input, which causes the other eye to take over most of the visual processing in the brain.
«By closing your eyes, you lose visual input and must rely on proprioception to stay grounded,» Bohannon explains.
As visual input flows from the retina into primary visual cortex and then inferotemporal (IT) cortex, it is processed at each level and becomes more specific until objects can be identified.
Second, while there is increasing knowledge of the oscillatory mechanisms underpinning basic vision, models of how visual inputs activate meaning lack mechanistic detail.
The new study suggests that the VWFA, located in an area that receives visual input, has pre-existing connections to brain regions associated with language processing, making it ideally suited to become devoted to reading.
When the brain is confronted with such seemingly contradictory visual inputs it reconciles them by creating a yellow patch.
Lack of sleep interfered with the neurons» ability to encode information and translate visual input into conscious thought.
«It is surprising,» said Stolk, «that for both the communicator, who has static input while she is planning her move, and the addressee, who is observing dynamic visual input during the game, the same region of the brain becomes more active over the course of the experiment as they improve their mutual understanding.»
We wondered whether touch sensations in the phantom arm could be influenced by visual input.
Physicists have found that intense visual input forces the brain into a brief moment of chaos, but the visual cortex spontaneously returns the brain to its optimal function.
«Our eyes and brain adapt and adjust to changing visual input, which is essential to our ability to see,» Shew said.
This episode simultaneously taxed my visual / spatial system for three separate tasks: the intense spatial planning of where the heavy tree branches were to be cut, and would fall; the meaningful interpretation of the incoming barrage of sensory input; and the essential need to keep my balance based primarily on the constantly moving visual input.
Is visual input essential to how the topographical map of the visual cortex develops in the human brain?
Olshausen and his research team recently used neural network models of higher layers of the visual cortex to show how brains are able to create stable perceptions of visual inputs in spite of image motion.
High - quality visual input is restricted just to the very centers of our retinas.
Sally's obliviousness to her neglect suggests yet again that what she has is not merely a sensory deficit or blindness to visual input coming from her left nor even just a failure to attend to the left.
«As it buzzes around your kitchen, it has to analyse all that visual input very quickly to decide where to fly, what to avoid, and on what to land,» he told us.
Researchers estimate that the human retina can transmit visual input at about the same rate as an Ethernet connection, at roughly 10 million bits per second.
Face images, like most visual stimuli, undergo processes whereby the current percept is altered by exposure to previous visual input.
The Mazda 5 doesn't offer power - sliding doors, a backup camera, parking sensors, or an audio - visual input for its optional DVD player.
The retina then degenerates and the result is complete blindness, as visual input no longer is transported to the brain via the optic nerve.
Are these qualities byproducts of the painting process or are you responding to specific visual input, either directly or from memory?
The combination of more sensory and perceptual information with stereoscopic visual input (e.g., Head Mounted Display — HMD), audio and tactile input, can augment the level of immersion, generating depth and perception of realism (Loomis et al., 1999; Cummings and Bailenson, 2016).
Previous studies have shown that when we have to make a decision based on visual input, assemblies of neurons start accumulating visual evidence in favour of the various possible outcomes.
A UNC - Chapel Hill research team made up of Jeff Stirman, Ikuko Smith and Spencer Smith wanted to be able to look at «ensemble» neuronal activity related to how mice process visual input.
These adults had been deprived of all patterned vision from birth until the cataracts were removed surgically and the eyes fitted with appropriate contact lenses that restored nearly normal visual input.
It doesn & #Array; t offer enough visual input or require enough actual interaction to set it apart from a tabletop game (something games like Mario Party excel at).
Research on the perception, attention, and memory of visual input using behavioral testing and functional brain imaging
Visual input from the retina is sent along the optic nerve and diverges into two parallel pathways called the «old» and the «new,» reflecting when each evolved.
Different parts of the brain process different sensory inputs; adding visual info through AR risks overload the visual processing (the tendency will be to filter out one or the other input, so umpires will eventually use only the AR overlay and ignore what they're actually seeing, or use only what they're seeing and ignore the AR overlay), while adding haptic input calls on a different part of the brain to process the information in conjunction with the visual input.
If they have auditory input, and they have visual input.
In addition to eye muscle development, your baby's brain is learning to make some sense of and meaning from all the visual input it's receiving from the eyes.
State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie heads back to Albany with some verbal and visual input on issues of concern in the 99th Assembly District, represented by fellow Democrat James Skoufis.
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