Sentences with phrase «visual polish»

"Visual polish" refers to the act of improving the overall appearance and quality of something, such as a design, photo, or video, by making it look more refined, attractive, and professional through enhancements like colors, lighting, details, or effects. Full definition
The game is far removed from other systems in terms of visual polish.
Look too closely at any of the detail on a map and you will notice right away that this game lacks much visual polish.
This is no remaster, but I am disappointed there was no sort of visual polish.
Look too closely at any of the detail on a map and you will notice right away that this game lacks much visual polish.
Night & wet - weather conditions 24 cars on track at once «League» multiplayer mode Visual Polish over Motorsport 5
Night & wet - weather conditions 24 cars on track at once «League» multiplayer mode Visual Polish over Motorsport 5
Right off the bat it's clear that Knack II has much more visual polish than the first game.
We also know of customers who appreciate the extra visual polish and the extra robustness around interactions.
I respect giving classic titles a second lease on life with crisper graphics and more detailed textures, but I've rarely felt like most games have benefited enough from the upgraded visual polish to warrant the replay.
It does at times feel like an extended Saturday Night Live skit but the cast make it a worthwhile curio, and writer / director Jeff Baena, also Plaza's off - screen partner, has an assured hand, giving the film a surprising visual polish.
We may have a great functioning website, and some clearly defined audiences and goals, however unless we tie that up with visual polish, the end results will be nowhere near as effective as they could be.
Still the presentation and RPG elements spice up the action nicely and when combined with the above average visual polish makes for a game that should appeal to those looking for a classic first - person dungeon crawler.
The level of visual polish probably shouldn't be surprising since Gran Turismo Sport is a first - party Sony game, but it's still an impressive achievement considering the hardware limitations of the PlayStation 4.
Coming in expecting the same level of visual polish seen elsewhere in the genre is a sure - fire way to put a dampener on your expectations, but in terms of what's new, Binary Domain is a real breath of fresh air.
In many ways, the audio does what visual polish never could, immersing you more fully in the rich atmosphere.
The gorgeous, colourful visuals polish the Saturday morning cartoon world of Crash to a mirror shine.
But when I was working on TWEEZER, I wanted to have a lot more visual polish, and was frankly getting bogged down on a lot of stuff that was Not Writing; while I knew I absolutely refuse to make another game in Twine Default Color Scheme, because TDCS is ugly as shit, and while I knew certain effects I wanted in the text, I don't have a great color sense and I wasn't sure how to use certain macros like < > and stuff.
Sentinel 3: Homeworld by Origin8 is a powerful new entry in to the «Sentinel» series of tower defense titles and not only does it demonstrate a level of visual polish that's stunning, it shows a cunning amount of gameplay depth as players slowly work their way through a challenging campaign.
An unforgivable transgression from the usually reliable Ron Howard, «Grinch» boasts the visual polish of a Menards tree aisle and resembles not a cheerful Christmas, but rather what the bloodcurdling onset of a mescaline bender might feel like.
«Among other items, we are taking the extra time to focus on the visual polish so gamers can feel completely immersed in a living world.
The gameplay mechanics are complete but need some visual polish, as noted in the Mechanics teaser.
Criticized for a short campaign and low replay value (and no multiplayer), Vanquish still turned heads for its visual polish and rockin'third - person shooter action.
The core gameplay in Lock's Quest still holds up almost a decade later, but this remaster suffers from awkwardly adapted controls and a lack of visual polish.
When Layers of Fear released on PC back in 2016, I remember being very impressed by its visual polish.
Though in typical fashion they probably still expected GameArts to hit their release date, so again the developer focused on making the game work at the expense of the visual polish.
Mountains are convincing looking, and the visual polish not only is nice to look at but helps you maintain your bearings as you fly around the islands in the game.
The visual polish, overabundance of content, and addictive gameplay all meld together into a product that even Fox McCloud would be happy to have bear his name.
If you took most of that and squeezed it down to fit on a UMD, while retaining the same level of visual polish and adding two new characters, you would essentially get Broken Destiny.
Recent retail titles like Catherine, Shadows of the Damned and Alice: Madness Returns as well as downloadables like Outland, Bastion and From Dust have all boasted uniquely inspired art direction and high levels of visual polish.
Joe Danger 2 would still be fun without the visual polish Hello Games has put behind it, but the game's luminescent colour pallet combined with its aforementioned tendency to put smiling faces on every possible object makes replaying its levels over and over again absolutely joyous.
While the art direction is solid across the board, the visual polish is incredibly uneven, with a few textures, particle effects, and animations that look woefully out of place in a game of this caliber.
Besides all the visual polish we added — like jaw - dropping effects and full HD 1080p rendering at 60 frames - per - second with anti-aliasing — we've added a ton of content.
«Among other items, we are taking the extra time to focus on the visual polish so gamers can feel completely immersed in a living world.
You're getting the exact same game you've already played with a lick of visual polish.
The first upgrade most gamers will notice when they drop into the saga of Franklin is the visual polish given to Los Santos.
Visual polish and considered level design make for a world that is utterly absorbing.
However, the new model does deliver a slightly more fluid VR experience, and there is a notable boon to the visual polish and movement of many non-VR games.
As you join Madelyn you will be transported from swamps to castles to the countryside and more accompanied by a soundtrack that will match the visual polish.
- Visual polish, stability improvements, and bug fixes.
Not only does it have the visual polish of games like Destiny 2 while still running at a smooth 60 frames per second, but it also captures the feel of Star Wars perfectly with the sound and visual design.
Brass Tactics, a virtual reality real - time strategy game, has a pedigree shows in both its solid mechanics and its visual polish.
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