Sentences with phrase «vital functioning organ»

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Such foods have long been linked to artery blockages that cause inadequate functioning of not only a man's heart, but also his other vital organs, whilst also slowing down the flow of blood to their you know where.
This extra blood, which is intended to perfuse the newly functioning lungs and other vital organs, is discarded along with the placenta when active management is used, with possible sequellae such as breathing difficulties and anaemia, especially in vulnerable babies.
As the weeks quickly go by, your baby will continue to grow at an accelerated rate while many of their vital organs begin to function on an autonomous level, including but not limited to, their liver, intestines, brain, and kidneys.
Rendering the patient insensitive to pain is still an essential part of the anesthesiologist's work; another major function is to maintain the stability of the patient's vital - organ systems
The animals did not show any abnormality in vital organs or functions.
This means that even if you're a couch potato all day and you do nothing but breathe and blink, your body will still need calories to keep its vital organs functioning.
Up to 75 % of your body is water and it is absolutely vital in the function of all of your organs.
These disorders result in lower IQ, difficulty learning and functioning, and possible damage to the heart, brain and other vital organs, SAMHSA says.
Seaweed has an exceptionally high protein content and offers a great variety of minerals, including iodine, calcium, iron and magnesium, all of which are essential for the optimal function of vital organs.
Therefore, theoretically speaking, of my 95 kilograms, about 47.5 kilograms are water, «said Edgley, once again emphasizing how dangerous his experiment was:» Water is essential for normal functioning of vital organs, therefore, the intake of enough water is of paramount meaning.
Protein repairs muscles, supports the immune system and is vital for the healthy function of organs and your body's biodynamic function.
As such, a high metabolism means that, relative to a low metabolism, more calories must be burned to meet life sustaining energy requirements (i.e. to keep the tissues alive and support the function of vital organs).
A low metabolism means that, relative to a high metabolism, fewer calories must be burned to meet life sustaining energy requirements (i.e. to keep the tissues alive and support the function of vital organs).
Having a big visceral fat percentage in your body can cause a serious interference with the proper functioning of the liver as well as inhibit proper hormonal messaging between the body's vital organs.
Moreover, proper hydration is vital for the healthy functioning of body organs and systems.
It is also needed for the functioning of vital organs such as the heart and muscles.
Without the proper metabolism of fats, every vital function and every organ is affected.
The release of energy in this state is sufficient only for the functioning of the vital organs, such as the heart, lungs, brain and the rest of the nervous system, liver, kidneys, sex organs, muscles and skin.
The body needs the amino acids in muscle tissue for other organs and vital functions.
To keep itself alive your body is always burning at least some minimum amount of calories that are used to support the function of vital organs like your heart, brain, nervous system, lungs, kidneys, liver, muscles, and skin.
Proper functioning of this butterfly - shaped gland is vital for our health, but just like other organs in the body thyroid is also prone to damage, diseases, deficiencies, and other negative scenarios.
Basal metabolism — the calories burned to sustaining vital organ function.
A Breakdown Of The Most Common Medications Used To Treat Thyroid Disorders, Including Tirosint The thyroid is part of the endocrine system and plays several vital roles to assist with the maintenance of optimal organ function and metabolism, as well as to regulate certain functions in the human body.
You all understand your vital heart organ is functioning without rest every day, every hour, every minute and every second for each day of your existence.
Hormones work together as a symphony in your body communicating with each other and your organs to keep all of your vital bodily functions working in synchronously by making fine adjustments.
Another benefit of Greek yogurt is that it's high in calcium, key to building strong muscles and helping your vital organs function.
Potassium Chloride: This provides the mineral potassium which is useful for regulating the proper functioning of nerves, muscles, and other vital organs.
Among its many functions, fat surrounds and cushions vital organs like the kidneys and insulates us against the cold.
As these acidic toxins fester and decay in various tissues, they damage organs and glands, corrode joints and arteries, enervate the nervous system and inhibit immune response and other vital functions.
A diet specifically for further detox claims to help the bodies vital organs rest and recover, support and increase liver function, and give you a «boost» of important micronutrients.
Your body burns 60 - 70 % of energy just by functioning — this is known as the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and is the energy expended by the functioning of your vital organs such as your heart, kidneys, liver, intestine, nervous system, skin, muscles, lungs etc..
I mean, we sit for HOURS every day, squashing most of our vital organs... and then expect them to function optimally?
It is the perfect liquid for the blood (83 % water), the ideal liquid for the efficient functioning of the lungs (86 % water), stomach, liver (85 % water) and other vital organs.
Even when you lay in a bed watching TV or reading a book vital organs still use some calories for its functioning.
Stimulates the abdominal organs: The abdomen of a human contains all the vital organs required for a smooth functioning of the machinery — the body.
It strengthens the functioning of vital organs by enhancing the oxygen - rich blood supply and by making us conscious of our actions.
They help with the production of hormones that regulate your metabolism, they help your body burn fat as fuel, they help protect your vital organs, and LOTS of other bodily functions.
It includes the calories that your body burned specifically to perform the activity itself, plus the additional calories burned throughout the duration of the physical activity that your body must continually burn at all times to digest food, keep tissues alive, and support the function of vital organs.
EPA and DHA are the building blocks for the cells in your vital organs and your body requires these Omega - 3s to function properly.
Keep reading to learn about four simple steps you can take to avoid liver disease — and keep this vital organ functioning at top capacity.
For example, the mid-day pitta period is the time of strongest digestive function and should be the time of the largest meal; food should not be consumed during the night pitta period as this is a time of restoration and healing of vital organs.
Since heart and other internal organs are basically muscles they all rely on these vital for their proper function signals.
Treatment usually involves removing the entire thyroid, an organ that produces vital hormones our bodies need to function properly.
It has been shown to favorably modulate the stress response, restore vital organ function, and boost immunity.
Each of the systems has three correlating boxes too fill in which include the function, the vital organs or components, and an interesting fact.
Many of them like Flagstaff or smaller support a wide variety of vital functions, including law enforcement, medical response, disaster relief, blood and organ transportation and economic growth.
Phil explains that a well - functioning sales department is the most vital organ in any company.
The liver is a vital organ that performs has many functions essential to sustain life, including manufacturing blood proteins, fats, and clotting factors, storing energy as glycogen to be used as energy, storing fat - soluble vitamins and iron, detoxifying drugs, chemicals, and toxic metabolic byproducts, secreting bile for proper digestion, and filtering harmful bacteria and other pathogens from the blood.
During the examination, your doctor will check your pet's organs and vital functions to ensure overall health and wellness to accept the anesthesia and the planned surgery itself.
Our Petly Adult Wellness Plans help you keep up with your pet's changing health care needs, monitoring vital organ functions, detecting early signs of potential problems such as arthritis, and giving you every opportunity to help keep your pet as healthy and happy as possible in the prime of their life.
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