Sentences with phrase «vocalize after»

Without it, the pups can not vocalize after birth.
- 63 percent of dogs changed the way they vocalized after experiencing the death of a companion, becoming either more vocal or more quiet

Not exact matches

Stephen A. Smith vocalized these suspicions about Arrieta loudly and proudly, possibly after an intern handed him flashcards informing him of Arrieta's existence.
After a half hour or so (by about 1:30) I was vocalizing loud enough to wake my poor mom, MIL and sister - in - law who vigilantly helped me relax through each contraction.
Later, a venomous Belgian vocalizes something interesting by commenting on what it must have been like when Tarzan first laid eyes on Jane, after the years of encountering only «primates and negresses.»
This is especially true after he turns down a selection of condoms in sex - ed class and vocalizes his beliefs that sex should be shared only with someone you truly love and perhaps waiting until marriage is best.
The sale of no - bark collars makes punishing a dog for vocalizing look acceptable; after all, if they are on the market, there's nothing wrong in using them, right?
Sometimes after the death or departure of a person or animal in your cat's life, she will vocalize to express her grief.
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