Sentences with phrase «vocalized more»

But although the cats vocalized more when their owner was the one to deliver them into the unfamiliar environment, they showed no other signs of being more upset in one scenario than in the other.
The harder I vocalized the more the sound moved my tissues, making way for our baby.
As he got older, and could vocalize more, he asked for it as he got his first set of adult molars at 6 years old.
It's understandable to say regrettable things in the heat of a moment; when angry, teens simply vocalize more those feelings that adults learn to hold back.
«We gave her her first dose on July 1 when the medicine was available and two hours later she was vocalizing more than she ever normally does,» Huntley said.
The lemurs the researchers studied groomed more as their numbers increased, but did not necessarily vocalize more.
Some dogs vocalize more than others and for different reasons.
This dysfunction may cause a cat to appear confused and even vocalize more than they used to.
Many cats also vocalize more if they're in pain or anxious.
Individual cats may just vocalize more.
Quiet cats may express happiness with silence, and vocalizes more to express unhappiness.
Many cats also vocalize more if they are in pain or anxious.
It can increase their activity level (resulting, for example, in staring at objects, wandering aimlessly or vocalizing more) or decrease their activity level (leading to less self - care and poor appetite).
Owners of hyperthyroid cats will frequently say that their pet is either vocalizing more or has changed the tone of their meows or cries, especially at night.
Is your cat vocalizing more than usual?
Certain cat breeds, notably the Siamese, vocalize more than others.
Typically, cats will initially vocalize more and for longer periods of time before they finally give up.
If he's vocalizing more than normal, see what's up.
Between Cambridge Analytica and Android call and SMS logging, normal users are starting to vocalize more concerns with the social network.

Not exact matches

If you were more educated about sleep methods and evidence based practices based on attachment theory and child development you would understand that «sleep training» is much more than having a kid learn to not vocalize their needs so parents can sleep at all costs.
What was surprising was the finding that mothers vocalized to daughters more frequently than sons at birth as well as at the one month recording.
The preliminary data found babies slept better, talked or «vocalized» more and cried less.
Newborns will, more often than not, vocalize their unhappiness about playing on their bellies.
When I was a new mother, I had this idea that once I got past the baby / toddler stage, that parenting would get easier because the child would be able to entertain themselves more often, not need diapers changed, pour their own milk, eat grapes without being cut up, they can vocalize using words.
They are now able to combine more consonants and vowels to produce longer vocalized sequences («ma - bu - ma - goo»).
I think children understand WAY more than we ever give them credit for, and if my son can vocalize, DONE (when he's finished with his meal, UP (when he wants to go up the stairs), DOWN (when he wants to go down the stairs), then he can learn about POOPOO and PEEPEE to!
The excitement of hearing a baby make sounds that resemble real words encourages parents to smile, repeat and continue the verbal interaction, encouraging the baby to vocalize even more.
Vocalizing the contractions and swaying back and forth made them more tolerable.
But when a young infant starts to make speech sounds, it often has more to do with exploring than with communicating... in fact babies typically vocalize when they are alone, without any interaction or eye contact with others,» says Prof. Polka.
West describes the findings as the first to show «that babies change how they vocalize in response to social responses — not sounds, but sights — by using more mature sounds.»
«I think the more people vocalize what they're going through — their experience or just simply educating themselves so that they can learn more about what they're talking about — that's going to be the key to creating a conversation about mental illness and making it more understood.
I'm reminded that more and more women are beginning to vocalize their own need for feminism, and everyone is starting to listen.
It's more like being on the stage, staring Jean Valjean in the face while he vocalizes his inner struggles.
As a result, almost everyone has an opinion on what is right and, even often more vocalized, what is wrong with the system.
Using a range of ICT tools and dynamic resources, pupils become more cooperative, recognize their feelings, vocalize their opinions, acquire self - respect and demonstrate appreciation for others.
In other words, dogs who injure themselves digging through sheetrock are arguably much more likely to end up at a behavior clinic than those who simply vocalize or drool.
Cats vocalize for any number of reasons, from simply wanting more attention to alerting their guardians that they are sick.
Symptoms of CDS may include confusion, anxiety, standing and staring, vocalizing and activity at night when the pet would normally sleep, urinating or defecating in the house, getting stuck in corners or becoming more antisocial.
Stray cats tend to be much more visible, may vocalize and may approach people in search of food or shelter.
Beak — Your bird can use his beak to communicate in more ways than just vocalizing.
* Changes in appetite — eating less or more * Loss or gain of weight * Excessive vocalizing * Changes in litter box usage — going outside of the box * Box sitting — a cat sitting in their litter box * Excessive grooming * Restlessness * Noticeable health issues * Excessive salivation or panting * Frequent vomiting * Destructive behaviors — such as scratching the carpet or furniture * Aggression * Trembling * Lethargy * Depression
Results suggest that classical music leads to kenneled dogs spending more time sleeping and less time vocalizing than when exposed to other music types or no music.
- 63 percent of dogs changed the way they vocalized after experiencing the death of a companion, becoming either more vocal or more quiet
Barks, growls and whines certainly tell us a lot, but the way a dog hold's it head, ears, and tail tells us much more than just vocalizing can.
• A pattern of urinating and / or defecating outside the litter box • Urine spraying — evidence of urine marks around doorways, windows or new objects in the house • Spending longer than a normal amount of time in the litter box • Vocalizing while in the litter box • Going to the litter box more often than normal
Older dogs in particular may begin to suffer from neurological changes, hearing and vision loss, more frequent trips to relieve themselves and discomfort, all which may make them more prone to vocalize.
To further vocalize the upcoming May 16 release of developer ACQUIRE's upcoming satirical JRPG Akiba's Beat, North American publisher XSEED Game... Read More
So theoretically, a cost / benefit analysis based on this data would yield a conclusion that goes something like this: since there are more «pro-climate issues voters» than ardent climate naysayer voters — even amongst registered Republican voters — and politicians would come out on top if they vocalized a platform that included climate solutions.
However, Part 1 of this article revealed that voice assistants are starting to respond to more queries with vocalized responses.
Although adolescent mothers with more education, less parenting stress, and higher social support satisfaction are more likely to have secure attachment patterns with their children (Emery, Pacquette, & Bigras, 2008), evidence suggests that in general, young mothers tend to be less responsive to their infants than older mothers, have fewer positive interactions, and vocalize less with their infants (Borkowski, Farris, Whitman, Carothers, Weed, & Keogh, 2007; Culp, Appelbaum, Osofsky, & Levy, 1988; Tarabulsy, Moran, Pederson, Provost, & Larose, 2011).
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