Sentences with phrase «vocalizing back»

«The wild bald eagle has been coming in about a week and a half now, coming in the mornings, the afternoons, landing next to this eagle exhibit and vocalizing back and forth with our female bird,» zoo manager Donald Zeigler told the local ABC News affiliate.
Promote language skills at home by «vocalizing back» what they say to you and then expanding on what they say.
Perhaps while they are busy getting ready for work, they can vocalize back to Delta in actual words or phrases («Bye - bye,» «See you later,» etc.) to encourage talking rather than screaming.

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When we respond with the same kind of vocalizing and gesturing back at them, this back - and - forth process is called «serve and return,» and it is the best way to build an enduring attachment.
It's understandable to say regrettable things in the heat of a moment; when angry, teens simply vocalize more those feelings that adults learn to hold back.
Vocalizing the contractions and swaying back and forth made them more tolerable.
The film starts off with some awkward, painfully lame flashback scenes of Kyle's childhood and transitions into an opening act that is loaded with full - on patriotism that sees him go to war to get back at the people who brought suffering to our doorstep in the events of 9/11 (he was already enlisted, but if we believe the film that decision was also motivated by seeing news footage of American lives being taken), but one of the most interesting surprises is how balanced it eventually becomes and how we see the way that Kyle's actions negatively impact others and how even he begins to question his commitment to the cause, despite the fact that he would never vocalize it.
Director - star - co-writer John Krasinski's careful deployment of nerve - distressing moments doesn't even need a burst of gnarly monster to get an audience vocalizing: listen for the crowd reaction when his wife (off and onscreen) Emily Blunt cautiously ascends a staircase, and the camera stays back to show an errant nail jutting from a step, awaiting someone's bare foot on the way down.
• One minor complaint: I wish Echo hadn't vocalized why she decided to go back into Dollhouse to rescue the others.
In the wild, a puppy would be vocalizing to get back to the pack, his life would be in danger.
For your part, when barking or whining aggravates you, try really hard not to «bark» or whine back — which you're doing if you yell at or plead with your dog while he's vocalizing in this way.
If your dog is vocalizing, yawning, shaking, becoming stiff, licking his lips, holding his tail down or his ears back, or trying to hide or escape, this means that he is afraid and you are probably too close to the other dog.
If he doesn't seem eager to vocalize, don't be afraid to come back in the house with him and not take the potty break.
Common signs include lip licking, yawning, pinned back ears with a closed mouth, vocalizing / whining, panting, avoidance, and dilated pupils.
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