Sentences with phrase «voice of experience»

You may have to touch them up again in a year or so but who cares, that's much cheaper and easier than replacing them (voice of experience here).
The compelling voices of experience are touching and often brutally honest in their observations.
Large chunks of the film are devoted to the autopsy, with voice of experience Cox providing expository narration as he digs around; each new step provides a new clue to Doe's true identity, playing out like a murder mystery where the clues are inside the victim's body.
If American evangelicals are to succeed at Christian formation under the new cultural regime that the Supreme Court has just instituted in law, they must re-learn the Gospel of Christ as the word of an external authority worth loving, not the inner voice of their experience.
There is a difference between writing in the «white heat of the moment,» in a present diary format as something is happening, and in the more omnipotent voice of experience, when time has passed and you know what is going to happen, she explained of her process.
Along with Don Carson, Keller established The Gospel Coalition in an attempt to draw together the various networks that the resurgence of reformed theology had created, and offer a voice of experience to some of its younger protagonists.
Is that the voice of experience speaking?
It was certainly the voice of experience speaking.
So, tip for others and note to self — read the article / recipe fully and note the voice of experience's advice!
That's not my ego talking, it's the voice of experience.
Manchester United's voices of experience were behind their superb comeback to delay Manchester City's Premier League title celebrations on Saturday, according to Ander Herrera.
I absolutely mean this, and I speak as the voice of experience: You may be thinking that your situation is uniquely painful or depressing, but I would truly be shocked if it was.
The voice of experience has an immense amount of wisdom to offer, but only if it also has the wisdom to know when to remain silent.
Another Group of Examples of Parents Attempting to Follow the Method More examples can be found on the Voices of Experience page
-- Voices of Experience: Infant Mental Health in action.
- Voices of Experience: Infant Mental Health in action.
The voice of experience over the long haul.
With people like Lori educating the adoptive and «will - be adoptive» parents, and more adoptees lending their voices of experience, we can have the most emotionally healthy group of adopted people thus far!
In the other words, the Commons will have plenty of bright young things, but be short on the voice of experience.
This latter possibility Justice acknowledges as «entirely plausible» — save for the obvious urgency in the voices of experienced military pilots as they speak of associated radar tracking, which is not shown on the gun camera's feed.
But if we say «less severe» violations aren't a big deal, we deny the victim the voice of their experience.
You don't have to be single to apply — would be great to have some voices of experience when it comes to topics like finding your «One» and marriage.
With Garner as the muscle, Cooper as the voice of experience, Foxx as the balls, and Bateman as the brains, this FBI unit leaves the overall impression that while the Americans can effectively and without question kill bad guys, they will inevitably bully their way in, blow up whole neighborhoods, offend people, and act irresponsibly in the process.
The voice of experience.
Share your electronic grade book experience so others will learn from your «voice of experience
Click here to share your «voice of experience» so others might learn about some of the options available to them!
But before you say, «I can't do it,» listen to the voice of experience!
Until the voice of experience permeates the hegemonic control over public education reform — whether teachers buy solely into current reforms, overturn the existing system, or a combination of the two — no sustainable transformation will ever take place in American schools.
What follows are voices of experience, offered by event coordinators from independent bookstores around the country.
First, Nicholas writes with his voice of experience, so clearly that one can not help but to learn from this information; second, the information is a treasure for any self - publishing or wants to be a self - publishing author; and lastly, by posting this information he doesn't just help himself, he is providing assistance to others showing that he remembers where he has been and is willing to help the rest of us avoid some of the pitfalls of self publishing.
«The market is so sensitive that sometimes we move forward too quickly,» she said with the voice of her experience.
You can't get them back (voice of experience).
«The wisdom of having courage in depressed markets is vindicated not only by the voice of experience but also by application of plausible techniques of value analysis» — Benjamin Graham
This is the voice of experience speaking.
I am, tragically, the voice of experience.
Listening to the Silent Hill OST alone may cause some paranoia, lol, and that's the voice of experience!
Never have I ever been more appreciative of the discreet, easily hidden Playstation Screen whilst playing a video game, and believe me, this is a voice of experience — I've played Senran Kagura...
In the meantime, and I mean this as the voice of experience and with sincerity and genuine affection for anyone facing this situation — remember that you are not alone.
Don't unthinkingly accept the voice of experience.
Of greater interest is the book's second half, «Voices of Experience
Conversely, Thoughtful Legal Management often reflects the voice of experience, and Dave's work in the trenches.
Speaking with the voice of experience, we assure you that it is all too easy to hit up the wiki searching for a simple answer about an in - game concept and, in the process of doing so, see significant spoilers about game mechanics, characters, undiscovered areas of the game, and more.
It also means we are prevented from understanding the voices of those experiencing mental ill health and recovery.
-- Voices of Experience: Infant Mental Health in action.
- Voices of Experience: Infant Mental Health in action.
With people like Lori educating the adoptive and «will - be adoptive» parents, and more adoptees lending their voices of experience, we can have the most emotionally healthy group of adopted people thus far!
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