Sentences with phrase «voice pitch»

The researchers predicted that if voice pitch contains information about leadership ability, then individuals with lower - pitched voices would show evidence of being more effective elected officials.
«You could view the results we found as an extension of this to an economic context, whereby deliberate lowering of voice pitch in a sex - atypical manner by women through vocal fry results in negative perceptions by potential employers.»
Mice can chatter in voices pitched above human hearing.
Offers regional activities under the Tent of Many Voices it pitches at each stop.
«Perhaps, when we use a high, infant - like voice pitch to speak to our babies, we are actually preparing them to perceive their own voice,» suggests Prof. Linda Polka, of McGill's School of Communication Disorders, and the senior author on the study.
It is possible that speakers of vocal fry are generally perceived less favorably because vocal fry is accompanied by a dramatic reduction in voice pitch relative to normal speech.»
«While a candidate's voice pitch sways voters, it doesn't result in better leaders.»
To determine if there is a correlation between voice pitch and leadership ability, Rindy Anderson, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences in FAU's Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and Casey Klofstad, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Miami, conducted an observational study and an experimental study.
I created a monster, with an ageing wrestler's body, a pencil moustache, and giant buggly eyes, and gave him a cockney voice pitch - shifted to 60 %.
ADDITIONAL STRENGTHS • Good voice pitch • Proficient in PC Operations • Bilingual: Fluent in English and Spanish
I talk to Casey Klofstad about his new research into voice pitch and the effect it has on perceptions of a political candidate's age, strength, and competence.
one good thing about character creation is that you can now change more things about the character themself, like voice pitch and muscularity and physique.
Notably, balance of dialog was excellent as voices shifted from the center channel to other speakers; changes in voice pitch and depth were undetectable and intelligibility remained excellent.
One explanation is that because women have higher voices than men on average, the lowering of voice pitch via vocal fry results in a sex - atypical voice pitch modulation for women.
But is voice pitch a reliable signal of leadership quality?
Through the observational and experimental studies, Anderson and Klofstad found no relationship between a candidate's voice pitch (highness or lowness of the voice) and his or her leadership ability.
The observational study correlated a measure of the voice pitch of members of the United States Congress with a measure of their leadership ability to test whether members with lower - pitched voices are more effective leaders.
He and his colleagues recently published their findings in Biology Letters, concluding that «men with low - voice pitch have higher reproductive success and more children born to them.»
For example, who would have pictured that the voice pitch, the face shape or even some biochemical odors are what actually make us more desirable in the eyes of the opposite sex?
Body language, voice pitch, awkward silences and other potentially detrimental communication signals are almost completely eliminated from the dynamics of Internet dating.
Blanchett inhabits the role of Elizabeth from riding sidesaddle to walking / standing / sitting ramrod straight and keeping her voice pitched at a lower level for effect.
Meek, yet monstrous, his voice pitches nasally in a way that grates; its near - femininity disarms you.
Eyebrows arch and the voice pitch is tight and high when t
Dogs understand a variety of words and voice pitches.
Or as a him with a her voice, or a her with a him voice, or a her with a her voice pitch - shifted to 100 %, or even as a him with Nolan North's voice.
But is voice pitch a reliable signal of leadership quality?
In fact, it seems we may have some inherent knowledge of this link between infidelity and voice pitch.
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