Sentences with phrase «voices of others»

You will also get to listen to amazing voices of other people and get to chat with those that you find attractive and interesting.
For a long time, I let my doubt, my fear, and the negative voices of others keep me from realizing my potential and following my path.
I hear the strong voices of other writers speaking to me.
You have to stop listening to your doubt, fear and the negative voices of others.
The plethora of trivialities that are given press coverage because they are «climate related», and I would also posit a 4th the insistence that dissenting voices of other scientists should never be given any public recognition, nor should one even appear on the same stage.
The brains of listeners are able to ignore the nearby voices of others while homing in on just one speaker.
Religion in this case was people hearing the very real loving voices of other people, inspired to love one another for whatever reasons they might think they have, and attaching themselves to that love in order to deal emotionally with the struggles we face just by being human.
When it is combined with the tiny voices of others that is the real power.»
We can use our voices to amplify the voices of others to encourage greater empathy and understanding.
And regardless of ownership claims, lots of people reject the idea that shareholders have any special role here, or that their voices should count for more than the voices of other stakeholder groups.
Here is a consistency to which I bear witness: the ones who lead well are the ones who lead from among the people of God, the ones who are alongside and not above, the ones who point to Jesus as the north star and the real Shepherd, who lay down power and lift up the voices of others, who tear down the boundary markers, who lay down the nit - picking of who is in and who is out, the ones who live as if we're all in and we all belong.
Though revelation stands at the center and the proper study for the Jew is not simply man, but man confronted by God, we encounter the image of God when we encounter the Arnoldian best that has been thought and said, and we understand ourselves and others better when we confront the voice of the other.
When I am teaching, I also try to show this fact by including the voices of other black folks who may or may not agree with me.
Rare indeed in philosophical works are passages like the one in the City of God where Augustine marvels at how some people can wiggle their ears, others can perfectly mimic the voices of other men, and some can even «produce musical sounds from their behind»!
We can not listen very well to the voice of God if we are chattering ourselves, or even if we merely keep ourselves surrounded by noise, almost as a barrier to protect us from hearing the voice of any other.
When I couldn't sing along with certainty, I could hold a hymn book and simply listen, let the voices of others carry me.
Here, then, is the question: how does one come to be interested, not so that the self drowns out the voice of the other, but in such a way that one develops a kind of inner understanding for things of the past, and ears to listen to the word they speak to us today?
Those who are secure in their faith and on the side of truth don't seek to silence the voice of others.
Drown out the voices of other supporters whether home or away with your singing!
There might be car noises outside, the clinking and clanking of dishware around the house, and the voices of other family members talking.
I'll be introducing you to the voices of other mom - artists, activists, feminists, and makers.
I'll also be introducing you to the voices of other mom - artists, activists, makers, and lovers.
You may start noticing your child visually responding to smiles and voices of others, moving his or her eyes around the room to see what is happening, and creeping after a favorite toy when seen.
Mother's heartbeat, the gurgles of her digestive system, and even the sounds of her voice and the voices of other family members are part of a baby's world before birth.
Hear the voices of other parents, professionals and teenagers as they weigh in on relevant topics.
Children learn to use their cochlear implants or hearing aids to listen to their own voices, the voices of others and the sounds of their environment in order to understand spoken language.
In an era of particularist struggles, it is difficult for the «Muslim Ummah» alone to become the universal political actor, who can represent and articulate the voice of other marginalized and oppressed groups.
Eleanor Rathbone used her voice to elevate the voices of others, used whatever influence she had to help those less fortunate, and never thought twice about voicing truths to governments that they would have preferred not to hear.
«And I'm here to help uplift the voices of other people in this state and city that believe that he might not know about other communities of color because he lives very isolated up here in a very wealthy community,» said one person at the rally.
And that area also responded to the voices of the other species.
During a normal conversation, your brain is constantly adjusting the volume to soften the sound of your own voice and boost the voices of others in the room.
Quiet the internal turbulence that is filled with the voices of others so you can identify the sound of your own soul.
Try to quiet the voices of others, and make room to listen to yourself.
By promoting the voices of others, the site has honed its own voice and presence.
You will also get to listen to the voices of other members and flirt with those who you are interested in.
With the facility of voice chat and web conferencing, even a person can see and listen to the voice of other person by comfortably sitting at one place.
Looks like I'm the voice of the other side at this point.
Their voices keep getting louder as they try to be heard above the voices of others.
The case, if successful, will strengthen the voices of dissenting teachers while leaving the voices of other workers intact.
We're also open to elevating the voice of others who would like to offer a perspective on the #OUSDBudget as a guest author.
But instead of listening to me, or the voices of the other parents who came out that day, Mayor Bill de Blasio blew right past.
While the novel focuses largely on the three main characters, it offers space for the voices of other female students.
I think their motives and thoughts were obvious from the voices of others.
What must sound in a review like cheap sarcasm akin to Jeff Koons or Richard Prince instead thrives on a traditional virtue of Chinese art and calligraphy — that of inhabiting the voices of others.
Chicago's career - long focus on making her voice and the voices of others heard continued in the Birth Project, 1980 - 85, the Holocaust Project: From Darkness into Light, 1985 - 1993, and Resolutions: A Stitch in Time, 1994 - 2000.
And when your voice is added to the voices of others, those cries amount to change.
CCLA's voice and the voices of others were heard and had a real impact on many of the provisions of Bill C - 59.
The recommendation feature lets the voice of others corroborate your story and sing your praises.
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